Chapter 30: Dark

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jimin was woken up by his phone ringing. He groans when he realises it won't stop. Yoongi next to him doesn't even move, he can't function properly this early.

Jimin immediately gets up when he sees Taehyung's name on the screen. Ever since Taehyung went to Red Dawn, they couldn't talk.


"Open the goddamn door. I've been knocking for eternity." Taehyung growls and Jimin's already on his feet, grabs his sweater on the way. He forgets about the fact that Taehyung was supposed to be with the pack and not here and what the fuck is he doing here so early and alone.

"Shit---sorry, I was sleeping and---".

"Just hurry up." Taehyung's voice now turns small and tired.

Jimin throws his phone on the couch and runs towards the door---as soon as he opens the door, Taehyung throws himself at him. Jimin was expecting it though, his best friend's voice was enough to tell him that something's wrong.

Taehyung might be taller than Jimin but Jimin easily carries him when Taehyung circles his legs around the Alpha's torso. Both of them sigh deeply in eachother's arms. There are some emotions only best friends can feel and understand.

"I missed you." It's Jimin who says when Taehyung hides his face in Jimin's neck.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry for not being in contact with you." Taehyung mumbles.

"It's okay Taetae." Jimin squeezes his best friend in his arms for assurance and walks towards the couch. He lets go of Taehyung then and sits him there.

"I'll bring you something to drink." Jimin says and Taehyung nods. Though Jimin goes to the room first, puts his pants on since he was in boxers only but doesn't change the sweater. Jimin wakes Yoongi up.

"Taehyung's here." It's all Jimin says to him and walks out. Yoongi wakes up.

Jimin gives Taehyung water and also a some snacks but Taehyung drinks water in one go. Just as Jimin sits next to Taehyung, the blue haired boy immediately leans into him, rests his head on Jimin's shoulder.

They stay like that in silence, don't say a word. Jimin comforts Taehyung in silence, words don't need to be spoken for now. The silence is then broken when Yoongi enters he lounge.

"Tae?" Yoongi's voice holds worry as he sits on the small couch---facing Taehyung. Taehyung slowly lifts his head from Jimin's shoulder, eyes boring into the glass on the table.

Jimin looks at Yoongi, worried and waits for Taehyung to speak.

"Taehyung? Why are you not in Gwangju?" Yoongi doesn't wait anymore.

"Jeongguk came back. I had to too." Taehyung says---keeps looking at the glass.

"Jeongguk came back? You both were supposed to stay there until---".

"He ran away from me." Taehyung bitterly says.

"Ran away? Taehyung what are you saying?" Jimin cups Taehyung's face and makes him face him.

"What happened?" Jimin softly asks.

"He thinks he has hurt me and now he needs time. Says he can't face me." Taehyung's eyes are lowered as he says.

"What did he do."

"Nothing. Nothing that should make him stay away from me." Taehyung utters---eyes stinging from tears.

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