Chapter 14: Spinning

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk keeps his glare towards Siwon when Taehyung asks him that. Jeongguk can't even link Siwon because he doesn't let him. Though he'll never beg infront of a scumbag like him to stop talking so he takes Taehyung's hand and walks away from him.

"Don't keep him dark Jeon." Jeongguk hears the mocking voice as he walks away---Taehyung lets him. Taehyung can see how tense Jeongguk is and it's obvious to him that Jeongguk and that Siwon guy aren't on friendly terms.

"I told you this place will be full of shitty people and he's one of them." Jeongguk says, expression never softening and eyebrows furrowed tense.

"We shouldn't having fucking come here. I had to just because of Minho hyung." Jeongguk gritts his teeth Taehyung's eyes soften. He realises there must be many people like Siwon Jeongguk has to deal with just because he owns a successful company.

Jealous assholes.

"Please don't ruin your mood because of him. It's what he wanted. Don't give in." Taehyung softly says, hand resting on Jeongguk's chest.

"Just---don't pay attention to what they say. All they'll speak will be utter bullshit." Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods.

"Okay. Okay---just relax okay." Taehyung softly says and Jeongguk takes a deep breath. He hates himself for saying that because what Siwon said wasn't bullshit---it was really.

"I'm sorry." Jeongguk says and Taehyung chuckles, tilting Jeongguk's head towards himself and pecks his lips, the action leaves Jeongguk wide eyed and Taehyung laughs at his expression.

Jeongguk really was surprised because he definitely wasn't expecting Taehyung to do it while they are surrounded by so many people but he's also happy---proud that Taehyung did it. Whoever saw should know how happy he is. Mate, date, boyfriend---whatever they can call.

For Jeongguk, Taehyung is his whole world.

He doesn't care if he's saying it too soon but there is no way he's letting Taehyung go. He just hopes Taehyung will---still be with him when he finds out about the truth.

"You're so daring, baby." Jeongguk whispers, smirking and Taehyung winks at him.

"You love me for that." Taehyung utters and when he realises what he said, he freezes, eyes going wide and he panics a little.

Jeongguk would definitely think I'm being desperate. What the fuck this love is doing here?

Do I mind though?



"I---umm." Taehyung coughs awkwardly but when he looks at Jeongguk's soft smile, he gets lost in it.

"I don't think I can argue with that." Jeongguk whispers, face mere inches away from Taehyung's and Taehyung is going out of his mind.

Jeongguk doesn't mind being in love with me?

Do I mind being in love with Jeongguk?

Shut up Taehyung. It's too soon for love.

They keep looking in eachother's eyes, finding themselves falling deeper and deeper in thier depths.

Taehyung has never been open with his feelings. He never explains what he feels even to himself. He just feels like if he lets himself lose and fall in love---he might end up getting hurt.

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