Chapter 9: Light

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) short and boring.

Third Person POV

Taehyung was a little too excited to go to Serene tonight and the sole reason of it was to see Jeongguk even when he's seen him few hours ago. He may or may not be checking his phone and little too much just to see if 'someone' has texted him or not.

As always, he wears his work clothes from home and gets ready to leave for work, a soft smile on his lips and humming a tune.

His phone dings once he's in a cab and he immediately takes it out but it's Hanbin's text. He pouts and unlocks his phone.

H: you gonna be at funeral tomorrow?

Taehyung hasn't forgotten about the incident at all---he wants to forget it and tries his best to not think about it and succeeds sometimes. Three times, he has witnessed something unusual and has no idea how to process it.

T: of course, you gonna pick me up right?

H: of course. 3 pm. Be ready.

T: okay.

Hanbin was a bit---sad to be honest and Taehyung has of course seen it. Even if she was not loyal to Hanbin---Hanbin really liked her. She was just not worth Hanbin's love. Taehyung never got to really know her but he was well aware of the flirtatious glances she would give him too. He chose to ignore it.

But now she's dead. No matter how she was---none of them both wanted her to literally die. No matter who dies---It's always hard for their parents---for their loved ones to lose someone---we don't feel it much because they were not close to us.

Taehyung puts his phone back in his pocket and closes his eyes and his mind casually drifts to the wolf he met in the forest---he doesn't know why but he has a stupid urge to see it again. 


Jeongguk visits Serene a little earlier than 11. He has work piled up but it can all go to hell because he wants to see his mate. So here he is, an hour earlier---in Serene.

Taehyung came back from serving a booth and was surprised to see Jeongguk sitting on the counter stool. Jeongguk senses him of course and looks at him, smiling.

"You're early." Taehyung says as he walks to stand behind the counter.

"Couldn't stay away from you---that's why." Jeongguk and Taehyung laughs.

"Serene makes you really bold and flirtatious than you already are Jeon." Taehyung says as he makes drinks for the customers.

"No---Serene doesn't, you do." Jeongguk utters and Taehyung gapes at him.

"Oh God, shut up!" Taehyung wants to curse at himself for getting flustered too soon.

"Why? Don't you like me talking to you?" Jeongguk pouts a little.

"Oh please---don't act cute infront of me. It won't work." Taehyung says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Atleast pretend." Jeongguk says and Taehyung shrugs.

"I don't like faking things." Taehyung says and grabs the tray.

"I'll be right back." Taehyung says because he has to serve the customers and also because he wants to look away from Jeongguk's eyes because they always hold him captive.

Jeongguk nods, his lips curve into a smirk as he watches Taehyung leave and can't help but admire his body. Taehyung is---complete. He is beautiful---he has an amazing body and a heart made of gold. There is nothing more Jeongguk can ask for in a mate.

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