Chapter 12: Grocery

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Just---please don't leave like this." Jeongguk says in a small voice and Taehyung keeps glaring at him. Jeongguk's grip is soft on Taehyung's arm and he's looking at him almost desperately.

"I'll leave however I want. You've been away from me for three days and I know you were planning to do it for---I don't know how long so it shouldn't bother you if I leave." Taehyung utters bitterly and tries to jerk away from Jeongguk's hold which gets tighter.

Jeongguk says nothing---they can't talk here so he walks towards his office. The un-introduced guy doesn't look at them as Taehyung lets himself be dragged by Jeongguk. He doesn't protest because he really wants Jeongguk to tell him why he didn't came to see him for three goddamn days.

Also---that is why he was here.

Jeongguk closes the door shut and let's go of Taehyung's arm. Taehyung folds his arms on his chest and looks pointedly at Jeongguk who seems troubled.

"Well---tell me. Why did you do it? If you wanted to end---whatever it was--you could've just told me---".

"I don't want to end whatever I have with you okay. I don't. It's just---". Jeongguk takes a deep breath. What the hell is he supposed to say? That he's a werewolf and has caused the pain to his mate. Taehyung won't even listen him completely---he'll start laughing the moment he'll say best a werewolf.

"Then what Jeongguk? Do have any idea how---how everything felt different after I got home. Jimin and Yoongi hyung have been treating like I'm a baby. They look at me weirdly and I---I wanted to just talk to someone---". Taehyung stops---eyes turning sad and Jeongguk knows how it must've felt.

"I wanted to talk to you. I don't even have your number so I could call you to come see me. I thought you would be there the moment your stupid meeting will be over but I know you lied. You---you just wanted to go away." Taehyung says and Jeongguk immediately puts his hands on Taehyung's arms softly.

"No---no please don't think like that. I don't ever wanna leave you Taehyung. I can't even imagine that." Jeongguk says and Taehyung stares at him in surprise.

Ever. Don't ever wanna leave you. The words make Taehyung's heart beat crazily.

"I just don't want to hurt you. Taehyung---you were cold because I was so desperate to leave and you got sick because of me. You have no fucking idea how scared I was when I saw you on the floor---you were---you were in pain and I just---". Jeongguk struggles to speak and Taehyung's just---surprised.

"You think I got sick because of you? And you thought if you'd stay away from me---I'll be better? Well guess what? I wasn't. I wanted you to be there." Taehyung says---frustrated that how stupid Jeongguk was. Just for a stupid reason he stayed away.

But Taehyung doesn't know the real reason as to why Jeongguk did it. Jeongguk doesn't want to keep Taehyung in dark about the truth about him but maybe just not yet. He wants to but he's scared that Taehyung might leave. What if he scares him? What if Taehyung hates him after knowing the truth?

Jeongguk isn't ready to lose his mate just because of all this.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I'm really sorry." Jeongguk apologises, hands firm on Taehyung's arms. Taehyung exhales deeply and looks at Jeongguk with a hopeful glint in his eyes when he asks;

"What are we Jeongguk?" Taehyung's voice is almost a whisper and it has a desperate edge in it.

"You said---you said you want to have a relationship with me---not just physical but more. Then tell me. What does it makes us if we both want a relationship?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk gulps.

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