Chapter 36: Talk

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"It's up to you of course---to accept the deal right now, think about it or reject it." Taehyung explains, voice turns nervous but expression stays confident.

And Jeongguk stares at the deal that Taehyung has presented him, right infront of him and Jeongguk feels his hands shaking.

"Tae---this---I-". Jeongguk couldn't speak and the hesitation makes Taehyung almost faint.

And how can Jeongguk speak when there's a maroon velvet box infront of him and he's not an idiot to not know what's inside of it.

And how can Jeongguk speak when there's a maroon velvet box infront of him and he's not an idiot to not know what's inside of it

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^it's a single ring for now. Just imagine it in a ring box.

Jeongguk's shaky hands grab the box but doesn't pick it up, runs his fingers over the smooth texture and then opens it---let's out a shaky breath when he sees the beautiful ring.

The deal---Taehyung's proposing him.

"Uhm it's not a big deal you know, I'm not asking you to marry me right now---I'm just uhm---proposing you to be my fiancé---". Taehyung says, knows that it's way too soon to marry but if they are mates and destined to love and live with eachother forever than why not take a first step.

Jeongguk thinks he's dreaming---there's no way his lover is proposing him while he himself was scared to do it because he thought Taehyung will say it's too soon. He was thinking about the marriage proposal but Taehyung has definitely surprised him by doing it first---and it's better to be fiancé first.

Jeongguk is about to cry.

"You can take your time to think of course and I'll understand if you'll tell me that we have to wait and if it's too soon---". Taehyung stops speaking when Jeongguk slides the box back towards Taehyung.

Taehyung takes a deep breath, realises how stupid it was of him to take a big step when it's only been almost two months that they've met. Taehyung puts up a smile and was about to take the box when Jeongguk speaks.

"I accept the deal Mr. Kim---I'd like to proceed with it right away---so---". Jeongguk extends his arm, offers his hand and Taehyung is frozen at his spot.

"Mr. Kim?" Jeongguk calls but Taehyung's wide eyes are on Jeongguk's who'll go out of his mind of Taehyung won't hurry up because it's really difficult to keep up the confidence.

"Mr. Kim?" Jeongguk utters again and Taehyung snaps out of his frozen state and looks at the ring, then at Jeongguk and his hand.

"Oh---okay. Okay." Taehyung utters and with shaky hands, takes out the ring. Taehyung holds Jeongguk's hand, feels the tingles just like every touch.

Taehyung successfully puts the ring on Jeongguk's ring finger, marvels at how beautiful his hand looks. Taehyung feels so happy that be doesn't now how to show it.

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