Chapter 21: Memories

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

The outing with Yoongi and Jimin went amazing. They ate ice-cream and went to see a movie. Taehyung kept teasing Yoongi for being heartless---literally. Kept saying how can his heart still not beat when he sees Jimin or has him in bed. Jimin kept laughing and Yoongi kept telling him to shut up.

"If I give you a cut on your arm right now---will it bleed?" Taehyung asks and Yoongi sighs heavily, ignoring the stupid question.

"Hyunhieee---". Taehyung whines and Yoongi glares at him.

"Shut up before I cut your tongue and trust me---that---will bleed and hurt alot." Yoongi says and Taehyung gapes at him. Jimin puts a hand on his mouth to just stop laughing.

Taehyung turns to Jimin.

"Stop laughing and tell your boyfriend I haven't forgiven him at all." Taehyung says and Jimin nudges Yoongi, glaring at him playfully and ready to laugh again.

"Tell him to stop saying stupid things." Yoongi utters and Taehyung mocks him while he looks away.

"I always thought why you look so pale and---dead. Turns out you really are dead." Taehyung mumbles and Yoongi is on his feet. Taehyung shrieks Yoongi softly grabs him by his neck and lowers him until the ice-cream is all over Taehyung's lips and nose.

"I'm not buying you another one." Yoongi says and walks back to sit next to Jimin who might burst due to laughing hard.

And Alpha Kim Taehyung throws the whole ice-cream cup on Yoongi and the strawberry ice-cream lands a little on Yoongi's cheek and the rest on his jacket.

"Take that you old man." Taehyung utters and is already running but oh well---Yoongi's vampire speed comes in handy and he's already bringing Taehyung back to the bench, hand on his nape and lowering him.

"Sorry hyung. I'm sorry I won't do it again." Taehyung utters and Yoongi throws him next to Jimin---softly. Jimin shakes his head and starts wiping Taehyung's face with a tissue while Taehyung keeps mocking Yoongi, making weird faces at him and Yoongi just ignores him because he knows Taehyung won't stop.

But needless to say, they were all good now.


Taehyung wants to tell Jeongguk that he's been feeling a little weird ever since---well ever since he has met Jeongguk. He knows he has werewolf genes and by feeling weird means he's starting to feel Jeongguk.

"How was your day?" Jeongguk asks as they were now cuddled together on the couch in Jeongguk's apartment. Jeongguk was laying on the couch and Taehyung was laying on top him, head resting on his chest, playing with his earing and eyes on the television screen.

"Good. I went out with Jimin and Yoongi hyung. Had fun." Taehyung chuckles and Jeongguk smiles, arms curling around Taehyung's frame and setting on his back.

"You're all good with them now?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"Yeah. If I'm not mad at you anymore then I can't be with them either and besides, I can't stay mad at them longer." Taehyung admits.

"They apologised?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"Yeah." Taehyung faintly says. Jeongguk stops caressing Taehyung's lower back when he senses that there is something off in Taehyung's tone.

"Is everything alright Tae?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung doesn't answer him immediately and then mumbles a yes.

"Hey, look me at me." Jeongguk says and Taehyung does---he tilts his head and looks at him, moving his body up slightly. The position can't be comfortable for long so Jeongguk gets up, keeping a firm hold on Taehyung's waist and sits---Taehyung straddling him, keeps playing with his earing and then stops, dropping his hand on Jeongguk's shoulder.

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