Chapter 15: Silver

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) a helllll of boring chap.

Third Person POV

Taehyung didn't even know how he was able to even walk while all he could feel that he will collapse any moment. His legs feel like jelly and his mind is unable to comprehend anything that's going on. Well of course all that's happened just moments ago is in his mind---replaying all over and over again---mocking him and threatening him yet he can't seem to cope up with it.

He does thinks a bit about something though---that why the cashier was so unbothered when he glimpsed at her while running out of the shop--- he doesn't care why there was no one other than him and those two but---whatever it was---Taehyung doesn't give a fuck about it because all he can feel is a pounding headache and a swere heartache.

It's getting dark a little---people give him weird looks when he stumbles but still no one comes to even ask if he's okay. And Taehyung hates everyone at the moment---even himself.

"Taehyung?" Taehyung thinks he heard his name but everything that's been happening---it must be a trick of mind. He's going crazy now? Taehyung wanted to scream because he doesn't know what's going on.

"Hey, Taehyung?" Taehyung feels a warmth on his shoulder and he stops. Whoever called him, comes to stand in front of him. Taehyung's body seems to be working on his own---like a robot complying to what needs to be done no matter what.

Taehyung looks up and sees a face alot familiar.

"Bobby." Taehyung whispers, his blood red eyes blinking as he looks at him.

"Are you---okay? Have you been crying?" Bobby asks, fearing if Taehyung was hurt by the assholes they saw that day. He always takes this route. He wouldn't have stopped if Taehyung would not be looking like he'll collapse any moment but he was surprised to see Taehyung like this.

"No---but I'm going out of my mind for sure." Taehyung utters and Bobby looks at him in confusion.

"Did someone hurt you Taehyung?" Bobby asks. He doesn't know why he's being nice to Taehyung. Taehyung doesn't know why Bobby is being nice to him---he doesn't know why he's not snapping at him. He doesn't fucking what's going on.

"Yes." Taehyung answers. Bobby hopes it's not that asshole but if it was him---Taehyung would definitely be bleeding.

"Who?" Bobby asks, hand still on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Everyone." Taehyung whispers, eyes holding no warmth they always do and even Bobby feels the sadness behind them.

"Hey---Taehyung, let me, let me drive you home yeah?" Bobby feels like it's the only thing he should say because he doesn't know what happened to Taehyung and they are not close friends to be sharing such things with eachother.

"Do you---can you take me to Hanbin's?" Taehyung asks---the headache gets unbearable and he almost leans towards Bobby.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Bobby says. Taehyung takes a step forward and stumbles, Bobby immediately holds him. He hooks Taehyung's arm around his neck and grabs him firmly from his back because he knows Taehyung won't be able to walk.

They walk towards Bobby's car and Taehyung has his eyes closed.

Come on Taehyung. What's wrong with you? Why are you being so weak?

You're not weak. You are not weak okay.

But maybe I am. Maybe I've always been.

"Taehyung, hey, open your eyes. I want you to guide me to his house." Bobby says to Taehyung who feels sleepy. Bobby knows Hanbin's house---he had a project with him that ended up them having a bruising fight. Taehyung was spared because he got very late.

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