Chapter 31: Chain

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Minho dropped Taehyung home after he left Jeongguk in the room. The blue haired boy felt powerful and smug. He loved how he could dominate the pure blood and he could do nothing. Now Taehyung knows Jeongguk would not take time---he's just going through the phase where he actually forgets he has a brain---that's all.

Taehyung felt asleep with a wide grin on his face. He can't wait to see what Jeongguk would do when Taehyung will go full crazy.

Back in the room---Jeongguk sat with a half hard dick and a dizzy mind. Taehyung is the only person who can control him like that. He's his mate of course but even other than that---Jeongguk let's Taehyung do this to him---he has no problem with whatever Taehyung does too him.

He was scared when Taehyung took that guy to the room---he couldn't stop himself then---Taehyung was drunk and that guy could've done anything to him but it was just a a trap Taehyung set to lure him.

Taehyung wants Jeongguk to regret pushing him away but he doesn't know that Jeongguk regrets it the moment he did it. Why the hell would Jeongguk want to stay away from his beautiful mate---the love of his life but he feels so bad for losing control and forcing himself on Taehyung---even if Taehyung let him---Jeongguk knows it hurt.

Jeongguk can't fucking face him. Everytime he closes his eyes, Taehyung's all he sees. He hasn't slept in these two nights. Taehyung's smile, his eyes, his touches---he can literally feel them when he closes his eyes.

And yet again he can't help but be guilty---regretful of what he did. Jeongguk never thought he'd be so weak that he won't even be able to apologise. This weakness shouldn't be in him because he needs to apologise even if Taehyung says he hasn't done anything.

He has to apologise---he can't stay away from Taehyung anymore.


Jeongguk was outside Taehyung's university, to pick him up and talk. Jeongguk can see the farewell banner---indicating it must be the last day celebrations of Taehyung's semester before the exams start. Taehyung must be having fun then, Jeongguk thinks.

And now Taehyung's scent get stronger and Jeongguk can literally hear him laughing---then he appears and Jeongguk tries his best to ignore the ugly feeling that settles in his stomach when he sees him---with his friends.

Hanbin is with him and Taehyung is cheerfully laughing---someone's giving him a piggy back---hands under Taehyung's thighs and Jeongguk doesn't really like it---which he thinks is absurd since Taehyung can have anyone give him a piggy back.

There's a group of them, props and funny looking caps, poppers in their hands. Taehyung is drowned in glitter and confetti in his hair. He's literally shinning.

Jeongguk literally has an urge to get back in his car and hide because he doesn't want to ruin Taehyung's mood when/if he'll see him bit it's too late---Taehyung senses him, turns his head from over his friend's shoulder and looks at him---eyes locking with his mate.

Jeongguk's heart feel like it might explode---Taehyung hides his face behind his arm and only his eyes can be seen and his eyes---Jeongguk feels like drowning in them.

The next moment, Taehyung's climbing down from his friend, ruffles his hair and laughs at something he said and now---Taehyung's walking towards him.

Jeongguk unconsciously steps back, is stopped when his back meets the car. Jeongguk doesn't blink, can't blink as Taehyung walks towards him, confident---with a cocky smirk on his lips and a sultry look in his eyes. Jeongguk feels tingles.

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