Chapter 35: Petrichor

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Careful." Taehyung utters when Jeongguk stumbles a little. Jeongguk was having trouble walking properly since he hadn't done that for many days and his knees are bruised and body aches for not being in any comfortable position for long.

Taehyung had unlocked Jeongguk's clutches around his wrists and kept giggling because Jeongguk wasn't letting go of him and kept sniffing him.

Jeongguk didn't talk at all after those heart melting words, only small gestures and touching and Taehyung wasn't complaining at all.

The stairs were a bit difficult part and they both were almost going to fall when Jeongguk's knees buckled. The moment Taehyung and Jeongguk walks in the hall, Jihoon opens the door.

"Oh thank God. I thought you both would fuck right there and then." Jihoon says and Jeongguk gapes at him, so does Minho.

"You were spying on us?" Taehyung asks and Jihoon shakes his head.

"We heard the door opening and it was obvious that you---". Jihoon points at Taehyung. "Curious one, will not be able to hold for long." Taehyung smiles sheepishly at that.

"We're glad it worked out." Minho says Taehyung is so fucking glad too.

"Hi Jeonggukie." Jihoon smiles as he walks towards his brother but stops when Jeongguk growls.

"Hey! That's not how you greet your older brother." Jihoon furrows his eyebrows.

"Give him time baby, he'll come around." Minho says and Jihoon sighs.

"Okay---now get him cleaned up Taetae, he fucking smells so bad." Jihoon wrinkles his nose and Jeongguk keeps glaring at him.

"Goodnight." Jihoon pats Taehyung's shoulder and yelps when Jeongguk grabs his wrist and pushes it away from Taehyung's shoulder.

"You possessive brat. You'll pay for disrespecting your hyung." Jihoon exclaims, points his finger and Jeongguk and then stomps towards Minho and circles his arms around him.

"Asshole." Jihoon mumbles and Minho chuckles, kisses his head.

"Let's go inside. Goodnight both of you." Taehyung nods at Minho's words.

"Why can't you let them touch---I could use some help because you're heavy." Taehyung says and Jeongguk whines and little, hides his face in Taehyung's neck as the blue haired boy walks towards the larger bathroom.

Taehyung lets the bath fill with warm water. Jeongguk stands there and lets Taehyung take off his clothes. Taehyung feels bad when he sees the wound dressing was messed up when he takes off Jeongguk's shirt.

"This needs to be done first." Taehyung says and runs to the kitchen where he has seen the first aid kit. Jeongguk was still standing there when he comes back.

"Sit down." Taehyung utters but Jeongguk shakes his head and raises his arms, making Taehyung smile a little. Taehyung winces when he takes off the bandage, revealing a long cut on Jeongguk's chest and a deep wound a little up on his stomach.

Taehyung swallows the lump in his throat as he changes the dressing and cleans the wound---glad that the bandages are waterproof. Taehyung smiles when he's done and so does Taehyung. Jeongguk points at the bathtub and Taehyung turns around, watches it overflowing.

"Seriously?" Taehyung mildly glares at Jeongguk. "You need to speak." Taehyung utters and Jeongguk smirks and shrugs his shoulders.

"Take off your trousers and get in there. I can't believe I have to clean and give you a shower---you bunny faced baby." Taehyung says as he puts away the the first aid kit and rushes to turn off the water, almost slips when he reaches close.

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