Did Dhiya left?

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Akshadh's POV

I couldn't sleep peacefully thinking of tomorrow. For about a week I missed my sleep, my activities, my schedule etc but I compensated everything somehow. Dhiya is a priceless gift and I couldn't replace her with any. I will accept the decision of Dhiya  whatever it may be. If she propose me then she is my rest of the life and if she rejects me then tomorrow is the last day of our meeting..I never disturb her in my life again. I convinced myself to accept the reality of life.

The next day morning

I packed my luggage and got ready. I was about to depart to India. Tension and nervousness together occupied me. I placed the gifted watch in my wrist. It looks beautiful. I noticed the ticking sound of the watch it remembered Dhiya every time. I smiled and it makes me cool.

After sometimes later, I reached the airport. I was waiting for Dhiya. I was looking in all directions and searching for her. I looked at the watch for every five minutes.

Meanwhile, I got a call from my mom.


"Akshadh, Did you get the flight? When will you reach India?"

"Mom, I am in Airport,"

"Did you miss the first flight?"

"No ma. I planned for the second flight only,"

"Ok Akshadh, Take care," Mom ended the call. Usually, I returned back India by first flight but today it was different. Mom may expect that I would reach earlier.

Again my mood shifts to Dhiya. It is time for the second flight too. We didn't exchange our phone numbers too. What to do now? A kind of fear occupied me often. How to contact her now? Only 30 minutes more to depart. I was blank about what to do next?

Sometimes later, I took my mobile and opened the Facebook account. I send her a message there "Dhiya, where are you? I am waiting in Airport"

Usually, Dhiya will be sharp at time. Due to her delay, Strange thoughts circled me. Did Dhiya depart to India earlier as she rejects me? No No! Dhiya loves me. I am sure. I shook my head to come out of those thoughts. I looked at my mobile for Facebook notifications. I didn't get any notification.

I called Mr.John

"Hello, Sir. Did you reach India?"

"Nope, I am in Airport. Can you do a favour for me?" I requested him

"Sure sir, Pleasure is mine"

"Please go to Dhiya's flat and call me as soon as possible,"

"Ok, sir,"

I was looking at my watch and mobile often with a last hope.

There is an announcement regarding the take-off of flight. Sweat beads formed all over the body. My hands started shivering. My strange thoughts are killing me.

I got a call from Mr.John.

"Sir, Dhiya mam's flat was locked and I enquired the security about Dhiya madam. Dhiya madam departed to India by first flight," he said and tears rolled down from my eyes. I was helpless and I need to shout at the moment. I ran my fingers over my hair. I bite my lips to control my emotions.

"Sir! Sir! Are you okay?"

"Yes, John. Okay, Thank you. I Will call you later. Take care," I said and hanged the call.

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