Heart Break up?

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(Note: Changed the name Dr. Gokul Sharma as Dr.Madhan Sharma)

Dhiya stood shocking seeing her best friend Dr.Madhan Sharma who stood opposite to her. She released the hug. Akshadh looked at Dhiya and noticed the changes in her face. She gazed straight and Akshadh turned back to see guessing someone was standing.

Dhiya stood frozen. Dhiya excused herself from Akshadh and stepped towards Dr.Madhan. Akshadh understood her situation and he stood calmly.

"I need to talk to you Dhiya," said Dr.Madhan.

"Hmm," she hummed and went from there. Few minutes later Akshadh left the place.

"Dhiya, I don't know what is between Akshadh and you but as your best friend I can guess it and may be right too. As a doctor I have a small advice for you. Please get away from Akshadh because you knew Akshadh's mom was very weak and she respondeded only after Akshadh promised her. She was very stubborn and sensitive in this case. If she stress herself then again the same thing happens and we can't save her the next time so think twice and decide Dhiya," said Madhan.

Dhiya wiped away the tears and nodded understanding the situation. She blinked the eyes intermittently to stop the tears flowing continuously.

"Really, sad to see you in this situation Dhiya. Don't make yourself emotionally weak. Grasp the current situation and come out of it as soon as possible otherwise you both would get hurt finally. I hope you will understand," said him slowly to make her understand.

"How could I come out of it Madhan as he is my life forever? How could I sacrifice my life by giving him to Janu as I couldn't forget him for a second?" Said Dhiya painfully.

"Janu??" He asked shockingly

"Yes, He got engaged to Janu. I was in love with him....." she blabbered.

"Take your time Dhiya. Take the seat. Relax first," he said and placed a chair.


Siddhu came out seeing his maa. Akshadh was lying in the sofa blankly. Seeing Siddhu, Akshadh got up and inquired about his maa and then he entered inside.

Akshadh was happy to see his maa after the successfull surgery.

"Akshadh, I was alive only because of your words. Thank you my son. I knew my son would never go beyond my words. I trust you more than Siddhu from childhood as you are more close to me from the beginning. Forgive me my son, if I did any mistakes in your marriage matter," His maa said the last sentence painfully. Akshadh face tured to pale hearing the last sentence. After his father's death, his maa lived for her both sons. She never ever showed her pains to them. She never showed her tears to them but today she felt guilty.

"Maaaa....don't say big words...it is hurting...," he stopped her guilt feeling with his few words. He can't console her to better as his situation is more worse. Who could he choose now his maa or Dhiya? If his maa discussed about the marriage or Janu before itself, definitely he could reject by confessing his love to his maa but now he can't take anystep as his maa fell ill because of his rejection words. The doctor's words echoed in his ears that his maa's heart is weak and can't take any risk at any time. He sat silently beside her for few minutes and went out after doctors entry.


Dhiya relaxed herself for few minutes and she shared everything to her best friend Dr.Mathan. He understood her situation and adviced her not to get broke again as the situation crossed the limits.

Thinking for a long time, "It is very hard to change myself immediately. Let me take some time, Mathan," she said worriedly. Later both left the place.


The next day Dhiya came at afternoon and enquired about Akshadh's maa to the doctors. She didn't meet Akshadh. She left the hospital as soon as possible.

Akshadh was with his maa full time. He did every needs of his maa. Thinking of his fate, he understood Dhiya's situation and her rejection of meeting him. He curse himself that he can't even stand for her strongly then how could he expect her. 

Both the hearts hide their love and tried to move on in their life. Only the situation makes a distance between them but their feelings remained the same. Both of them behaved matured in this situation.

A day passed by slowly.

The doctors found her health condition was improving and they signed the discharge papers. They asked her to continue the tablets for few months.

Akshadh and Siddhu decided to take their maa to home by evening. Akshadh expected Dhiya's presence before leaving but she didn't come. Hiding his love and pain, Akshadh discharged his maa and took home.

A week passed by slowly,

Akshadh took leave for a week to care of his mom. He did all the duties for her. He was occupied for the whole time. Only in the night time, he was free and he tried a lot to concentrate in reading & writing inspiration works etc but Dhiya's memory didn't forget to knock his heart. His pillow knew how much pain he suffered. He didn't have any contact with Dhiya these days. He didn't went even to the hospital to meet her because he knew that he is helpless at this moment and he don't want Dhiya to suffer more and more because of him.

The next day they decided to shift to Delhi from Mumbai. As usual, Akshadh prepared food for his mom. Then he served the food to her. Later, he gave medicines.

"Akshadh, before departing to Delhi, I wish to talk to my daughter in law. Please dial her number from my phone and give it to me," she pleaded. Akshadh sat shockingly. Thinking for a while, he took her mobile and typed J to choose her contact. He typed her name fully 'Janu' but the contact didn't found. Understanding, his maa get the mobile from him and smiled, "Akshadh, I saved her number as Daughter," then she called her.

Akshadh moved away from the place. He drank the jug full of water and washed his face to overcome his emotions. He punched the wall heavily. He was behaving crazy at this moment. He was longing for Dhiya at this moment. He cried silently. He can't even call Janu. He don't like his mother calling her as daughter in law. He can't stop anything that is going around him. Everything is out of his control. He jumped to the nearby couch and lied on it blankly gazing at the ceiling.

Few minutes later, he contacted his M.D.

"Good morning Sir, I will come to hospital by tomorrow. I have already informed to staff nurse to allot the patients,"

"OK Akshadh, it is not so urgent. Take care of your maa and how is she now?"

"She is getting normal sir,"

"OK Akshadh, take care...welcome to hospital,"

"OK sir," he said and hanged the call.

Again, he laid in the couch blankly looking at the ceiling. He think about himself, how he becomes this much emotional? He never ever have time for anyone except his family and hospital but today without Dhiya his life is hopeless. He decided to come again to Mumbai by next September 2 to meet Dhiya.

"Akshadh," he heard his maa calling from her room.

"Maa, coming," he said and got up from the couch.

"Akshadh, I gave your number to Janu as she wish to talk to you. She may call you by today," her words prieced his heart. Don't know how to react to this situation, he nodded and went inside. He took a deep breath and turned off his phone.

Akshadh didn't like to talk to Janu even for a minute and he can't even accept her till now. How will he ride his life with Janu? What will happen next?


Hi friends

Friends, Apart from personal life, last week my phone got mistaken so unable to write...I'm sorry...

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