Dhiya meets Akshadh

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The next day morning

Dhiya and Madhan started their journey in the first flight. They reached Delhi at 9.30 a.m. They hire a car and reached the hospital where Akshadh is working. They were welcomed warmly by the staffs in the hospital. Dhiya rushed to the staff who is booking for appointments.

"Good morning. Whom did you want to meet madam?" The staff asked Dhiya holding the phone in one hand.

"Ak.... Akshadh Jai," She said a bit nervously.

"Sorry madam, Sir is very busy today. You can't meet him today. Let me book your appointment for the next day," the staff said placing the phone down.

"Please, do any adjustments if possible. I need to meet him today. It is very important," she said knitting her eyebrows.

"Mam, we can't do any adjustments especially for Dr.Akshadh Jai," the staff rejected.

Dhiya looked at Madhan frustratingly. Madhan send calm vibes.

"Sister, Give Dr.Akshadh's mobile Number," Madhan asked politely.

"Ok sir," she bend down and took his visiting card and gave it to him.

"Thank you,"

Madhan and Dhiya walked few steps from there and occupied the chair.

"Madhan, what shall I do now? Shall I call him?" She asked and slightly pull the card from Madhan's hand.

He showed a fake smile, "Be cool Dhiya. This is not too late let us return back to Mumbai Dhiya. You would get hurt finally. You can't do anything here," He stressed each and every word.

"No way Madhan and I am sorry. I should meet him definitely to end everything. I can't be a intruder in Janu's life. Let me make everything clear to Akshadh,"

"It is not necesssary Dhiya. He will understand when time moves. Only time can heal everything. I am sure you and Akshadh would get hurt finally"

"Why should I worry Madhan? I am happy only if I gave Akshadh to Janu," she said hiding her emotions. Then, she opened her closed fingers and found Akshadh's picture in the visiting card. She looked at him without a blink forgetting everything around her. A small unknown smile occupied in her rosy lips. She was seeing her after a month but it is like her eyes missed him about 10 years. Soon after realising the present, She blinked her eyelids often to control the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh! Then you are strong enough to face Akshadh hiding all your emotions right?" He asked lifting his eyes towards her.

"Ma..dhan...." she spelled his name slowly and emotionally in the sense of understanding her to this level.

He send a consoling look and stay cool.

After few minutes of silence, Dhiya typed his mobile number in her phone. Her fingers were shivering to make a call yet she attempted successfully.

There is no response from the otherside. She doesn't like to disturb anyone in job but today everything went out of state. Her only motive is to talk to Akshadh about Janu's love by hiding hers. After knowing the destiny's cruel face she decided to give him to her.

She tried again but of no response. She looked at Madhan with a frustrated sigh.

He picked up the phone from her and dialled again. Someone picked up from other side.

"Hello, this is Jackson, Dr.sir's P.A"

"I am Dr.Madhan. I need to meet your doctor. Could you please tell me when is the right time to meet him?"

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