Mother & Son

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Akshadh reached home after leaving Janu and her parents in airport. He noticed his maa who carried a weird expression in her face sitting in the living room. He guessed that his maa felt lonely as Janu left this home. He didn't bothered and was about to go to his room.

"Akshadh, come here," his maa called him.

He stepped towards her and sat infront of her. He didn't question about the worried face because he guessed that his maa would start and end with Janu. He hate it totally better to avoid that he remained silent.

"Akshadh, please forgive me. Did I spoil your life?" She came straight to her point making him in wide shock. His face turned pale.

He didn't reply as emotions stands in his throat making it crack. He wished to burst out all his tears.

"Tell me Akshadh, your silence is hurting me more. Your silence gave the assurance that you was broken inside completely. Only now I can understand why you didn't like this marriage?"

"Hmm," he hummed hiding his painful tears. Dhiya's face flashed before him.

"Open up your heart to me," she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

After few seconds of silence, "Maa, why didn't you ask these words when I beg to say my heart out? Whenever I was about to open something has happened and makes me shut. Finally, today I am bit happy and atleast you cares for me feelings," he said painfully and the last words from him makes her feel guilty.

"Akshadh, did you think that your maa don't even care for you? My mistake is that I belived insanely that my son would do whatever I wish. I dont know that you carry someone in your heart. I thought that you are not interested in marriage thinking of Allen's life so I decided to arrange a perfect pair for you who cares both you and Allen. Fortunately, Maanvi did that help and she showed Janu," she explained her side.

He didn't reply. The scenes of Dhiya together with Allen replay his mind.

"Where did you get slipped? I didn't even know that my dear son," she took his hand in her hand.

He lifted his neck up to control all his tears and after a minute he opened up," Maa, you know my girl very well. You even like her a lot. She takes care of you when you are sick and she is......," He gulped controlling his emotions.

She looked at him in wide shock. She guessed almost. Her hands started shivering due to a kind of guilt.

"I love Dhiya. Dhiya is my life. Dhiya is my everything, maa," uncontrollable tears occupied in both of their eyes.

"Dhiyaaa? Janu's cousin? That doctor who takes of meeeeee..... in Mumbai hospital.....," she sobbed in between.

Akshadh's POV

"Maa even I dont know that I would fall for woman that you know about me well than anyone and may be that is the reason you may thought that your son will stand for your words. Every Tag of me was changed by my girl. She changed me completely maa. You will be surprised if you know how would I fall for her within two weeks of meeting her," a small smile mixed with tears occupied him.

She found the happiness in his face when he was about to say his love. Even she was eager to hear his love but she knew that it was too late to hear.

"Maa, you know that I was bit harsh to woman as I have no interest in marriage thinking of Allen's life but she erase it away and occupied my heart,"

"Maa, I first met her in the U.S medical conference. She was one of the selected canditates like me. Fate tied us there. We both got selected from India and we were assigned in same group to report data. You knew well that I accepted this Medical conference in that busy schedule is only to meet Allen and also whenever I go to U.S I would spend my whole time with Allen. In the same way, I did and finally Dhiya came to know about Allen and her life. Maa, Allen get completely cured from Xenophobia only because of Dhiya. Even I didnt expect that maa. Do you know how I behave rude to her when she touch my emotional point (Allen) thinking that she may worsen her life again but she helped Allen to come out of that Phobia. Allen and I started falling for her. We carved for her love. I wished to make her as my wife and even Allen calls her mumma. We both didnt even teach the small kid to her as mumma. She by herself loved her and accepted her as mumma. That little soul understands me well but you? Ok it is not your mistake because you dont know the reason but Janu knew it maa. She knew that I was in love and I cant live without my love. But that cold hearted woman didnt even care"

She remained silent as she dont have any answer.

Then I shared my feelings for Dhiya~ she didnt open up and reached India without informing me after knowing some matters regarding the engagement~ then unexpected engagement in stage ~ Do you know how much we might get broken? ~ I didnt even expect Dhiya as Janu's cousin ~ Dhiya left me because of Janu ~ when I was about to open up my love then there comes your health issue ~ then she took care of you when you are in ICU ~ today you are there for us because of Dhiya only maa ~ she only arranged doctors from abroad and there comes Madhan ~ he took the complete care of you and finally told that we shouldnt give any shock or immediate happiness as you were very weak at that time ~ Hearing that she decided to get away from my life completely maa~ She started caring more for you than me~ we dont even have contact in phone at that time ~ I think Janu might said my love to Dhiya ~ To solve the issues, Dhiya came to Delhi to meet me maa ~ She came here with the mindset of breaking the love ~ but finally love makes us fall for each other ~ I married her from my heart and soul ~ tried to stop the wedding but it happened ~ Dhiya left me maa ~ Even I dont know were she was ~ her phone is switched off. I don't know where she was ~I missed her a lot maa.

"Now tell me maa, how can I accept Janu in my life? Did Dhiya loving me is a sin or loving Dhiya is my sin? Why did every situation was against me and seperate us?"

Akshadh maa was in tears seeing the pain her son was carring. She hugged him for a while and wiped away the tears flowing in his eyes.

Now, his maa become the situational prisoner. Akshadh signed in relief after opening up his heart to his maa.

Akshadh dont mistake me son, "Only time can heal you. I knew Dhiya was a sweet person but still I cant help you. We cant leave Janu by the way. Janu is good too,"

"Time cant heal me maa. I will get healed only if I get Dhiya back in my life," he said furiously.

"That is bit imposible my son,"

"Why?" He asked shockingly.

On that day when I asked Janu about Dhiya's absence in the wedding, Janu said that there is a Marriage talk by the family.

"Marriage talk????? To whom" he asked agitatedly.

"To Dhiya and Madhan,"

"Nope!!! This is not true. Janu is playing some trick," He shouted as he can't bear.

"Janu dont even know that you love Dhiya then how did she can play trick here? Even I heard during the sangeet function that Dhiya's family were well interested to make Dhiya and Madhan as pair, " She replied back.

"Nope...I cant believe my ears. My Dhiya dont accept it and she would wait for me," he said confidently in raised tone.

"Then, where did she go? Why is her phone switched off? I can understand her love and feelings for you but whether she changed her mindset as not to spoil anyone's life and hence did she accept this marriage?"

"Maa dont kill me. I knew my Dhiya will wait for me. She will be there," he said confidently...

"Hmm...As I said before time heals you my Akshu. Dont worry. Love you," his maa felt very much pity for him and guilty for not understanding his feelings..



Hi friends!!!!!

Finally, Akshadh opened up his feelings for Dhiya to his maa.

Will his maa support him or she might be the same?

Where is Dhiya?

Is it true?

Will Dhiya accept to marry madhan by sacrificing her love to make everyone track clear?

Stay tuned....

Thank you so much for the support🙏🙏...

Happy Reading,

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