Rude Akshadh?

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Dhiya's POV

All the selected members arrived in the meeting session and they took their respective seat except Akshadh. Without my knowledge, my eyes rolled right and left in search of him. He found nowhere.

The last 5 minutes session was about to start. I got up from the seat and went out in search of him. I knew it was strange and I never behaved awkwardly before. I am the type of girl who doesn't start the converse first to the strangers but now something is pushing me forward to find him, what something? I don't know either his social service nature or humanity.

I was searching him in all the places of that floor then rushed to the down floor. A man was standing in the corridor facing outside, talking on the phone. I stepped towards him to find whether he was Akshadh? I stood back to him silently. I was occupied with confusion, hesitation to talk etc but I didn't move from there.

Unexpectedly, he turned towards me. I lost my grip and about to fall. He grabbed my hands by balancing and stopped me from falling. My head remained close to his chest and our hands clued together. He had a good manly smell. My eyes get in contact with his eyes for a while.
A few seconds later he broke the silence.

"Can't you be careful? If I couldn't balance you, what will happen?" He sounds too hard yet filled with gentle care.

His questions took me to the present, "Now there is no time to discuss, come soon," I grabbed his hand and rushed towards the meeting session.

At the correct time, we were there and along with the other selected members we both agreed to continue the training. I exhaled out deeply.

He looked at me weirdly.

"Are you okay? Why did you behave so insane? Are you crazy?" He asked me breaking the silence.

"I don't know for sure but I wished you to attend this training so that you would get better and better that helps many lives. I heard about you and your services to people. How can a person like you missing such a great opportunity?"

"Oh! Everything is okay. Do you know how to behave with strangers?" He seemed to be a rude and hard-hearted person. Whether this person is the same person whom I heard about? I was a bit confused and looked at him strangely. Our opinions differ, being an Indian & knowing about his services I took advantages. Yes! It was my mistake.

"Ok sorry!" I said without looking at his face and then took my files in the table. I reached the hotel arranged by my dad.

I kept everything aside in the table and leaned in the couch. I felt relax and then I went to the restroom to refresh myself. I wore a comfortable dress. Then I had a green tea. Sometimes later, I talk to my parents through video call about today's stuff.

At night, I referred to many newly published papers to upgrade myself. I was searching for Indian papers and finally found one. I opened the file and found Akshadh was the author of the newly published paper while seeing his name itself I felt irritated but still some highlighted words stopped me from closing.

To be honest, I really liked his sincerity and dedication towards his work. His opinions and suggestions were unique. His work forced me to know him about more.

I typed his name Akshadh in Google.

I was shocked to see the list of services he did so far to the people. His pictures loaded slowly, he was with lots of medal, certificates etc. Then, I opened Akshadh - Wikipedia.

I read slowly and some unknown happiness occupied me by knowing him. There were few highlighted headings like his Profession, services, Achievements, passion, family, Biography, Education etc

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