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(Hi friends, First of all sorry for the late update. Friends, my phone fell down and was broken. I got new phone, few days back and due to pooja functions I was very busy. Forgive me friends and Thank you for your patience)

The priest announced, "Both the horoscope are matched perfectly. I have marked three good days in next month as Oct 22, Oct 25, Oct 28. You could select as per your wish," he informed seeing both the families. Both the families jumped out of Joy. Janu stood embarrassed about her marriage. Just a month to go!!! Akshadh plop down in the chair and bend his head down worryingly. Though he send silent prayers to God often, he didn't get any good response instead the marriage was fixed too early. Akshadh didn't expect this. He cupped his face with his palm bending his head down. He was unable to switch to any decision. His broken heart shattered into pieces. A lonely tear touched the corner of his eyes.

Both the family discussed among themselves as the wedding places were already decided by them but due to confusion in marriage date everything  was in pause and now after confirming the date they booked the auditorium. Finally they came up with a mutual decision. Janu's father announced the marriage date on 25th in their family temple and thereby subsequent functions in J.H auditorium, Mumbai. Then, Akshadh's maa announced the reception date on Oct 28, Grandeur Hall, Delhi. Akshadh heard everything dumbstruck and got up from the place immediately.

Akshadh was stumbling as he felt weak to see the weird situation  in front of him. After few minutes of struggling  he head forward to his maa and said, "Maa, I am going to hospital and I will come lately," his maa interrupted in-between but without hearing her Akshadh took his bike keys and went out.

Janu's family looked at him casually thinking that their son-in-law's profession is the busiest one. They didn't mistake him. Janu didnt expect anything from him as she knew that he won't look at her for a second and that what happened actually. Her least expectations on him didn't hurt her much.

Later on, everyone had their dinner together. Akshadh's maa felt worried for her son's absence  and it was clearly visible in her face. She often looked at Siddhu. Siddhu didn't show any sign as he felt guilt neither he can't support his brother nor console his maa. Siddhu stood awkward and he was literally worrying about his brother's love. He was thinking how his brother could solve this situation?

Janu's parents felt a sudden change in Akshadh's maa, they understood her worries. Janu tried to console her mother in law that her parents won't mistake Akshadh's absence. After that Akshadh's maa regained her happiness  back. She felt proud of Janu for tackling and handling the situation properly. After the happy talk, Janu and her family left as they had flight at 7 p.m from Delhi.

Akshadh came home after their departure. He didn't talk to anyone and went to his room straightly.


Janu and her family reached home at early morning due to delayed flight. The drizzling rain highlights the beauty of Mumbai city. Janu heads towards her room and fell in the bed as she felt exhausted. Sleep drift her quickly and she had a sound sleep.

At 10.00 a.m

The sun rays travels through the narrow hole brighten the room. Janu opened her eyes slowly with a small smile in her face thinking about her marriage. The marriage dreams occupied her fully from the morning itself. She was counting the days and not one month is more. She was recollecting random feelings in her like what to buy, to provide, to invite, to cherish etc.

Hardly, After coming out of the thoughts she took hot shower and dressed up casually. She stood in front of the mirror admiring her beauty. He left her hair in air. After applying the cream she pasted a bindhi. Then she wore kajal and lip gloss. Later, she took the notepad and listed out the things to be purchased for her wedding. She remembered only few things and read down again and again. Then,  she took her mobile and contacted Dhiya.

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