Akshadh's POV

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Akshadh's POV

On that day after meeting my friend Rahul regarding the divorce, I received a call from Mr.John from the U.S. He gave me happy information regarding Allen's adoption.

"Akshadh, the other parties (Allen's relation) who were ready to get vapous for the case regarding the adoption as they knew the case was very strong in our side and we were going to win. They wished to have a mutual talk with you regarding the properties of Robert and Maanvi so your presence here is necessary now and after that, we can officially adopt Allen. I think it may take fifteen days, "

"Thank you, John. It was a wonderful news. After two years of trying, we are going to adapt Allen successfully. I will try to come there by this weekend. I will inform you later, "

In my painful heart, it happened a good thing. I didn't inform anyone regarding it. I missed Dhiya a lot. She would be the happiest person if she came to know it. I remembered our past where Dhiya wished to adapt Allen and but I scolded her thinking about her future, it happened before our love and after that she considered Allen as her own daughter. I knew how much she loves Allen. I wished to give her happiness.

In one hand, I set guards to find Dhiya and on the other hand, I tried to find any kind of changes in Janu but both went in vain. Apart from these, Allen occupied me fully. I tried to solve the problem by connecting Allen, Dhiya and Janu. I mean, I need to adapt Allen and at the same time, I need to find Dhiya and took steps for Divorcing Janu. Janu's adamant was overtaking everything so I relate her with Rahul's words. Only loneliness gives a chance for her to think. Finally, I came with a conclusion to take Janu with me while going to U.S especially to adapt Allen and officially announce that she was my daughter to the world.

Finally, reached U.S. It's been a long time I come here. Usually, I would come twice a month to see Allen but after all these issues I was totally out of mind. I knew my Allen might miss me a lot. I am longing to see her.

Mr.John picked us in the airport and when I entered my flat. I was worried to the core. The time I spend lastly with Dhiya and Allen in the same flat occupied me and started killing me in alive. I thought that I would come with Dhiya and I dreamt a lot but everything gets collapsed in a single day. Now, Dhiya is hiding from me. My fate! My face changed to pale and unable to control my emotions. I took long steps to reach my room and closed it. The same room we spend together. This room has a lot of memories than others. After, collecting all the memories, I cherish it in my heart thinking that all my dreams come true very soon.

Sometimes later, I came out and informed Janu to use the other room. I can't allow her in my room. It is completely wrong. She is the one I'm going to divorce. She should start to live on her own. She shouldn't depend on me. If she started living without me by now, she won't get hurt when she leaves me. I arranged all the grocery items before leaving.

I went to meet Mr.John in the orphanage. He informed me before itself that Allen went with her uncle in the morning and he would reach here by the next day so I spend my time with the children in the orphanage. After a long, I found the hidden me. I smiled from my heart. I don't know how the time runs.

"Akshadh sir, tomorrow we are going to meet Allen's family members. Let us conclude everything by tomorrow itself and after fifteen days you can take Allen along with you, " said John standing beside me.

"Ok, John. Sure, " he smiled

Thinking for a long, "Akshadh sir, you knew that I was in Singapore for two months. I came here yesterday only so I couldn't contact you regularly to know your how abouts. Where is Dhiya madam? Who is that lady?" He questioned me

"No problem John. I thought of saying but. Everything has a time, " I know there is nothing to hide with John. He was the one who stands with me after my friend's death. He was the one who helps me to adapt to Allen in all possible ways. He matches my best friend Robert. I said everything, unexpected engagement to Marriage - then Dhiya's absence........

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