Janu's other side

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"Dhiya, do you know how much I love Akshadh? But he didn't love me back. He has an affair and he told me straightly.  I love his genuineness. I can't  give up my love. Whatever and whoever may be I can't give him. I need to marry him and spend my rest of life together with him happily," Janu whispered and tears rolled down from Dhiya's eyes moisten her cheeks.

Dhiya was burying her face in Janu's shoulder unable to console even herself. She wiped the tears hardly and cleared her cracked throat as she felt like something hard was in her throat unable to talk or swallow. After gathering full strength she loosened the hug.

Dhiya looked at Janu eye to eye. She could feel the love in Janu's eyes. She felt guilty somewhere in this place. She cursed herself for playing this role that hurts both Janu and Akshadh. She decided to end her love part as soon as possible. She knew ending her love part was equal to killing herself but more than that she wished Janu to be happy. Both stood idle for few seconds. Hardly controlling the flowing tears and once again clearing her dry throat, she said, "Janu, don't worry. Everything will be okay soon and will happen as you wish. Don't lose your hope Janu,"

"Dhiya, Akshadh.....has affair.....," Janu grumbled.

Dhiya felt repentance. She looked at her bluntly. Random thoughts were running in her mind but she couldn't pick the one.

"Dhiya, I need to find Akshadh's Ex. Love. I should warn her to get away from his life. Why these type of ladies still exit who sucks the life of other woman? Don't she aware that I was engaged with Akshadh? I can't digest Dhiya as Akshadh was still in love with her. I need to find her....that lady....," Janu expressed her anger in high tone.

Tears dropped down from Dhiya's eyes as she didn't expect these words from her. Janu's words pierced Dhiya's heart like 100 of arrows pointed towards her next to next.

"Will you help me to find his ex?" Janu asked desperately.

Thinking to end this relationship, "sure, I will find through my friends in Delhi working with Akshadh. We shall solve this problem as soon as possible don't worry Janu," Dhiya said consoling her.

"Ok Dhiya. I should keep full stop to his relationship,"

"Hmmm" Dhiya hummed.

"Dhiya, tell me if you are in my situation what will you do?" Janu asked knitting her eyebrows.

Biting her lips, Dhiya replied, "I would bury my love in me and  give him to his love. Let him happy with his love.," Dhiya said genuinely. She cut off few sentence as she believed that true love is making their loved ones happy by satisfying their desires. She would do this if she was in Janu's place.  If this question was asked by someone other than Janu, Dhiya would give a slapping reply. Dhiya stopped here as she don't want to hurt Janu by her words.

"No Dhiya, you won't. If you love a person like Akshadh you would never leave him. Fall in love and then tell me the same reply," Janu replied unbelievably.

Dhiya smiled sarcastically. She was in deep pain but her lips were smiling for the sake of Janu.

"Ok Dhiya. Don't forget to find his Ex because very few days were there for the marriage,"

"Ok don't worry. Let us go now," said Dhiya. Janu bid bye to her.

Dhiya was confused about what to do next. She unlock the car and entered in.   She closed the door and laud her head back on the seat. She closed her eyes thinking. She decided to share it to her best friend Dr.Madhan Sharma. She believes that he would give correct solution here.

Meanwhile, her phone rang. She climbed her hands through the bag pocket and picked the phone. She felt a bit of relaxation seeing Madhan's name flashing in the phone. She picked up without delay.

Can't Forget You, My Love💝 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now