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Akshadh's POV

"For God's sake you both have arranged engagement before the wedding. Atleast stop the wedding now. I can't marry and love her in my lifetime," I said in high pitched tone.

"Anna, Don't you know her before itself ?" He asked shocking me.

"What the hell are you talking?" I stared at him furiously.

My mom who is witnessing everything interupted, "Akshu, I told you already about the marriage match. This match was not seen by me, It was seen by Maanvi before her death. Did she tell anything about the marriage proposal before her death? Just think for a minute, Akshu "


Maanvi repeated many times before that she would see marriage match for me but I didn't take seriously.

Her lost words to me before her death, "Akshadh, you are equal to my brother. I saw a marriage match for you Akshadh but my bad luck couldn't able to see your wedding. Takkkkeee care...e.. of myyyyy husssbandddd and Alllllleeennnn...............," (In Tragedy chapter)

Her words echoed again," I saw a marriage match for you Akshadh but my bad luck couldn't able to see your wedding,"

Yes she told me but the tragedy affects me a lot and I didn't take those words to my heart. The only thing that pierced in my heart is, "Takkkkeee care...e.. of myyyyy husssbandddd and Alllllleeennnn......" I am taking care of Allen as like my child. Thinking of Allen tears cornered my eyes. Let me live for my Allen, I don't need anyone in my life.

Flashback ends

"Yes maa, I remembered but I thought that you would ask me before choosing a match for me," I said instantly.

"Akshu, Maanvi told about Janu's character and send Janu's photo to us before her death. I liked her before seeing her in the photo itself because we trust Maanvi a lot. In the same way, Mannvi informed about you and our family to Janu's family. They too liked us a lot but the fate played in between. After their death, I totally quit this marriage proposal. Before a week, when you are in U.S, Janu's family came here to renew this marriage proposal. We didn't plan it before years everything happened just a week before Akshadh. Don't mistake us"


Before a week

"Is it Akshadh's sir home?" A middle aged couple asked from outside pointing our home.

Siddhu and I welcomed them in home. At first they hesitate to talk. Knowing that, I asked them to speak out whatever in their mind and their purpose of visit.

They started asking,"Where is Akshadh sir?"

"He went to U.S for a conference. Anything important is there to discuss to him?" Asked Siddhu giving them juice.

I gestered him to be quiet.

"We are here to discuss marriage proposal. If you don't mind shall we proceed," the man said slowly.

I nodded because I don't want to stop them as they feel it as insult. They seemed like they belongs to be a decent and respectful family.

"Before three years back, my daughter Janu's friend Maanvi told about Akshadh and your family to us. We were happy about the proposal and my daughter liked this proposal a lot. After Maanvi's death we don't know how to contact you? So we stopped at one point. After that we started seeing other matches for my daughter and she rejected everyone for various reasons. Finally, one day she confessed that she started liking Akshadh and she can't change her mind. We have no reason for rejecting her feelings so we decided to talk to you. As Akshadh sir is popular one, we found the address easily and came here to get the good news from you,"

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