The Sangeet function

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That day afternoon, Along with Akshadh and his family, few of their close relatives planned to depart from Delhi to Mumbai. Siddharth arranged everything in Mumbai. Akshadh didn't even look at his wedding garments till now. Akshadh appeared to be a soul without life. He didn't talk to anyone. His maa was often finding reasons to talk to him but he was ignoring everybody totally.

At 6.15p.m they reached Mumbai and they were picked up warmly by Janu's family (her cousins). Akshadh didn't even smile at them. Then, they were taken to the booked Royal restaurant.

Akshadh and Siddharth stayed together in a room. His maa and her aunt stayed in another room. Then, others stayed individually in separate rooms.

Siddhu didn't disturb Akshadh. Akshadh was lying in the bed looking at the phone screen. It was the photo taken together with Dhiya and Allen in the orphanage. Next he scrolled down to see other photos.

It was the photo taken during their conference meeting

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It was the photo taken during their conference meeting. He was just smiling Jaw to Jaw. Dhiya on the other side looking at him.

Next he scrolled down to see the next photo that was taken recently when she visit Delhi after confessing their love for each other.

Tears started to well up his eyes but he doesn't have dare enough to reach it to his cheeks as he felt weaker by the next passing time

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Tears started to well up his eyes but he doesn't have dare enough to reach it to his cheeks as he felt weaker by the next passing time.

Someone knocked the door and Siddhu opened the door. A makeup man came there regarding Sankeet function as he was arranged by Janu's family.

Siddharth made him to wait in the entrance of the door and then he turned aside to look Akshadh.

"Anna, Evening....., " Siddharth paused.

Akshadh lifted his gaze to look at Sidharth.

"Anna, they have arranged a Sangeet function. Get ready, within an hour we need to go, " siddharth turned immediately without seeing Akshadh as he finds hard to see his brother in this situation. Understanding the situation, Siddharth took slow steps towards the makeup man and he informed that his brother has arranged some other and he apologised for the inconvenience.

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