Akshadh and Janu

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Rahul replied, "Akshadh, Janu is adamant. We need the proper reason for divorce so use the last chance of atleast three months. Maximum take her wherever you go. We shall use it as proof. You both should be together and I will take care of rest of the things,"

"No way Rahul, she is developing feelings day by day. I didn't inform her about the visit here hence she started enjoying and now she was disappointed totally. So, if I take her out then at the end of the day she will be broken. I don't want a girl to get broken by giving false opinion and hope. Let her be in her way and I am in mine. Tell me another possible ways?" Akshadh replied genuinely.

"Akshadh, your words shows that you care for her a lot,"

"Yup, I care for her is the bitter truth. Loving me is the only sin she committed and she will do anything for it. If she might have fall for any other man (I mean both side love) then he will be the most luckiest one because her love is pure. I knew the pain of love and how much it hurts. My love gives me pain and I knew how much pain I am undergoing. Same way, my Dhiya also face the same pain. Dhiya knew it so she went away but I won't leave her. How could she sacrifice her love for the sake of others? I don't know how and where is she? I have to find her," Akshadh replied.

"Januvika can't feel the love for others like you people do. why can't you give time to yourself to accept the reality and start your life?" Asked Rahul

"If Januvika understand the real feel of love for others then everything will be sort out. If she read me atleast once and understand my feel of love then she will definitely leave me but the essence of maturity level in her side is very very low," and he continued, "I can't even imagine Rahul, How could I replace the place of my wife (Dhiya) who still loves me and sacrifice her love? I married her from my heart, soul and body. I had promised her that I would make her mine in one fine day. Also, I can't even think Januvika entry in my as reality. It is only a fighting period of my life to get my love back,"

"Ok Akshadh, I can understand you and your feel. You are right too. I will help you in any possible ways. A kind request from my side, let me tell you from my experience,"

"Ok tell me, Rahul,"

"Akshadh if you run for hospital and home as usual routine then there were no ways to make Januvika understand. If she didn't get support from you, she might take it from your maa as you said already. She never realise her mistakes because she has no time to think for it when she was with everybody. No matter how rude you behave to Januvika or how silent you protest? Only loneliness makes person to think and correct themselves So take her to abroad or anywhere for one month quitting your schedule. I am sure there will be a change definitely. She will realise it. I have seen many couples who separates or rejoin in this period of time only,"

Thinking for a minute, "Hmm, what if she started developing more feelings for me?"

"Noway Akshadh, You are a doctor and think it as how to approach her? It is a kind of dealing people on psychological way. Now, she is seeing the world in you. You are her beautiful island but we have to show her that there were so many beautiful places apart from the island. She can realise it only if she stay in the island (I mean lonely place) from there she will start missing her old life, her parents, her passion, friends even there is a huge possibility of understanding your love. Definitely, you have to try this Akshadh," he said...

"Ok, I will think about it," Akshadh replied.

"Ok, All the best," wished Rahul and Akshadh came out. Janu was standing out. Her tears fade away and now she showed her pale face to him.

In the half of the drive, Janu break the silence, "Akshadh, stop near the restaurant. I was feeling to eat something," she said casually. He didn't even look at her.

He parked the car near the restaurant. She stepped in and Akshadh followed her after locking the car.

In the restaurant, there were families, couples, lovers and college students. She occupied the empty seat and Akshadh occupied the seat opposite to her.

Seeing Akshadh, the crowd surrounded him, "Akshadh sir, Autograph please,"

"Sir we love you a lot. Happy to see you," opinions from the college girls.

Akshadh smiled and he gave his autograph one by one patiently. Janu was admiring him silently.

Meanwhile the waiter came, She ordered, " Vanilla Icecream and Red velvet cake," Then she looked at Akshadh who was playing with the car keys and Janu lingers at him.

"Akshadh, order the food," said Janu.

"No, thanks," replied Akshadh and the waiter left.

Within few minutes, the waiter brought Icecream and cake.

"Akshadh take either the cake or icecream,"

"Nope," he turned his neck and look at the people around who were busy and happy with their families.

Janu had it silently.

Akshadh initiated, "Januvika, I want to talk to you friendly for our goodness. Are you ready to hear?"


"Look at the people around. Why can't you frame family like them? Why are you spoiling your life by marrying me?" He asked to understand her mindset.

"Why can't we both frame family like them Akshadh. Why can't you think that way. Do you know how much it hurts when you take me to file divorce? Really it is paining Akshadh but I am pretending like having the icecream casually. Will the icecream cools me atleast?" She said painfully. Tears rolled down from her eyes.

"No way Janu. The icecream seems to be cool outside but it will produce heat inside the body likeways now the moment can be okay but once if I threw you away from my life it will give you more pain. I don't want you to suffer Janu so try to understand my side, it will be better for you,"

"You are fighting for your love and Iam fighting for my love. What is wrong in that?" replied her.

"Janu, I don't know how to make you understand? You are not a teenage girl who suicides or stood adamant for their love without considering anyone. Don't you have matured thinking?" he knit his brows together.

She didn't reply.

"Janu, answer me a question, Will you sacrifice your love for a person whom you don't have feelings at all?"

"Nope, I won't,"

"Then, how can you expect me..We both love each other. We started developing dreams about our future. Then, how can I ???? Also, don't spoil your life Janu. The sooner you get away from my life the better your life will be. I am not telling for me alone, society won't judge a man easily but they will judge a woman easily. Without your knowledge, you are spoiling your life too, Did you understand that?" He said caringly.

"Yes I understood but I can't leave you Akshadh. Give me some time and I will try to change you,"

"It was utterly waste of time. Go by your wish. You always irritates me to the core. Even if you try for years, nothing will change in me. She is my wife and you are going to be the sufferer. Hereafter, I don't have that small guilt feeling too. I am trying to convey my point to you like a kid but you? You won't change Janu. You don't know what is love? Once you understand, you will go," he said and got away from the chair. He paid the bill and entered inside the car.


Hi friends!!!!

I hope you are enjoying the story. Friends, you are longing to know about Dhiya but as per the story, I can't reveal now also I can't break the story plot. Please be patient ....

Will you agree with the words of lawyer?

Who will get change finally? Akshadh or Janu?

Akshadh tried her best to make Janu understand but Janu?

Tell me the comments about the story...

Happy Reading,
Stay happy,

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