My feelings

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Dhiya's POV

When Akshadh placed the ring in Janu's hand I can't control myself. I can't act more. I came running to the washroom. I cried a lot. I cried. I cried. I can't control. I cried. I cried. I hugged my knees and cried , cried , cried. How would I console myself? How could I destroy the happiness of  my Janu? Who would I choose Janu or Akshadh? God! Why did you push me in such situation? I Cried I cried. The only way to wipe my emotions out is crying.  I cupped my face with my palm and cried. Cried a lot. I patted my head and cried again.

I think about the beautiful days with Akshadh and cried. Thinking about the last day in airport I cried patting my head..


On that day, Morning

"Mumma! Good morning. How about you?"

"I am good and how about you? Are you busy?"

"No mom! Tell me. Any important news?"

"Dhiya, Will you reach India before evening?"

"I can't tell correctly mom. I am planning to come by second flight,"

"Dhiya, Come to India by first flight. we shall talk everything later,
I am busy now. Bye take care"

"Mom....Wait a minute....." She hanged the call.

I tried to call her many times but her phone is not reachable. Mom would never makes me urge to reach faster but why did she ask me to reach as soon as possible? Is everything okay there? Something is there and I should go.

What to do now? I didn't even get mobile number from Akshadh. Oh my God! He will wait for me. Let me go to his flat. I hire a car to Akshadh's flat. I was extremely happy to meet him sooner. How would he react knowing my feelings for him? He would be in cloud nine and I was waiting for that moment.

I never thought that I would find my life  partner during this conference. I was looking out through the car glass window. I was deeply immersed in our memories we had together. My lips curved a beautiful smile thinking about him.

Ringing sound of my mobile brought me back to the present. Janu's photo flashed in the front screen of the mobile. I was very happy to talk to her after a week. I picked up the call without a delay.

"Hey Dhiya, How about you?"

"Hey Janu, I am fine. Why didn't you call these many days? Did you find the missed calls?" I asked possessively because she never ignore my calls. I called her many times to share about Akshadh in my life.

"I am sorry Dhiya. Last few days I was busy with mobile free camp so I went there leaving my mobile in home."

"Ok Janu. How about your services?"

"Going good Dhiya. There is a surprise waiting for you" she said excitedly.

"Really? I had a surprise too," I said happily thinking Akshadh.

"Surprise!!!! Tell me Dhiya, I am waiting eagerly," giggled Janu.

"Nope! Tell me first,"



After few minutes of debate, Janu was about to open the surprise.

"I am very sorry to inform you this lately, today I am going to get engage," she said casually.

"What? Engagement.. Interesting. Happy for you Janu," now I understood why mom asked me to reach earlier. I was really happy to hear about her marriage proposal.

Can't Forget You, My Love💝 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now