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I don't know why am I getting this much of troubles in order? If I sighed in relief for a particular matter then there came an array of problems like waiting in the queue. This kind of my life starts after my father's death - Financial problems - Robert and Maanvi's death - Allen's Xenophobia - Broken heart with my love - Unexpected engagement - Mom's health issues - unexpected bride and wedding....my God! I signed again. Now, Where is Dhiya? She would never agree to marry Madhan. They are best friends. I never ever doubt there friendship like others do because I knew them well.

I fish the phone from my pocket and phoned her. I think it may be roughly 200th time I am hearing that her phone was switched off. I laid in the couch. I have no idea about Dhiya. Did she is ok? Whether she is going to the hospital? One thing, I am sure that Dhiya did the same even before as She tried to avoid me to safeguard her cousin's relationship with me. I never ever! Why can't I call Madhan? Why did my brain become so inactive these days? Keeping my thoughts aside, I phoned Madhan with a huge expectation of a reply from him. The only thing I wish to hear from him is Dhiya's how about and her whereabouts. As expectation hurts, Madhan didn't pick up the call. He might call me once he sees the missed call.

I was blankly looking at my mobile often. I didn't get any call for the last two hours. I heard Maa's sound from the kitchen. I kept the phone in my pant pocket and went down to have dinner along with Siddhu and Maa.

I can feel a type of guilt in maa's eyes. But what to do? Why didn't she give me space before the wedding? Hence spoiled three lives. Now I didn't bother and care because maa knew the pain that I was undergoing. After having the food as usual I took the tablets and gave to maa then I came to my room silently.

My phone rang. I ran my hand through my pant pocket and picked up the phone immediately. It was an unknown number and nowadays I never miss the calls if I get from unknown number thinking that might be Dhiya's call.

I switched on and pressed the phone in my ear, "Hello"

"Hello, Akshadh," Janu from another side.

I signed.

"We reached home safely. Really, I miss you a lot. I will come to you as soon as possible. Did you have food?" She speaks her thoughts out.

"Hmm," I hummed and disconnected the call.

Two days passed by waiting for Phone calls either from Dhiya or Madhan. Okay! What to do next? I am in deep thinking, Yes! Why can't I call Dhiya's hospital and get her mobile number? Good Idea but very late. I hope this is the best way.

Somehow I picked up the hospital number from the internet and phoned to the number given below. I am sure not to inform my details. I talk like a stranger who needs immediate help from that hospital management.

"Sir, Dhiya Madam is not here. So, now it is under the control of her father," A nurse replied.

I was shocked, "Where did she go and when will she return back? It is something important and contact me when your M.D comes back"

"Okay sir, " She disconnected the call.

A kind of mild pain occupied my heart. Looking at the phone often showers me disappointment then I closed my eyes for a while and I don't know when I slept.


Two days passed slowly. Akshadh didn't get any clue about Dhiya. Madhan also didn't call him back hence Akshadh came to the conclusion that Dhiya might have informed Madhan not to claim about her whereabouts.

Can't Forget You, My Love💝 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now