Allen's Adoption

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Akshadh often goes to the orphanage and spend time with Allen. After that, Akshadh didn't meet Dhiya. It didn't disappoint Akshadh because he expected this from Dhiya as she needs to safeguard the life of Janu. This time Akshadh was very much clear in his way. He needs to adopt Allen first and then to take Dhiya into his life after setting up a full stop to his current life.

On that day, after hearing the phone conversation, Janu knew that Akshadh was going to meet Allen in the orphanage. She expected that Akshadh would share at least something regarding Allen but he didn't even after she ask him about Allen so many times. She wished to meet Allen but Akshadh didn't respond to any of her queries related to Allen.

Three days passed by, On that day morning, as usual, Akshadh was getting ready to meet Allen. Janu would get up before an hour he leaves but that day she didn't get up. He heard a weird sound from her room and he checked by opening the half-closed door. Then, she turned ON the light. He found, Janu was shivering in the bed and he went nearer to her. Her eyes were closed. He spelt her name but there was no response from her side. He touches her forehead and she was suffering from high-grade fever.

"Janu," he spelt again.

She didn't respond.

Akshadh took long steps to reach the kitchen and he boiled hot water. Then, He dipped a cotton cloth and placed over her forehead for a few times. She opened her eyes hardly as she was battling to open her eyes before an hour itself.

"Janu, have this hot water. Try to get up," he said caringly. She tried to get up but she felt very weak and fell in the bed again. Then, the next time she tried to get away and Akshadh helped by holding her arms from falling. Slowly, she sipped the water as her lips were shivering.

"Janu, you will be okay. You lay in bed for some time and I will come now," said him and she nodded in response. He wrapped her with a blanket. She closed her eyes immediately as she feels closing her eyes makes her feel better.

After fifteen minutes, Akshadh entered in holding a big tray in his hands.

"Janu, get up!" he sounds slowly.

"Janu," he spelt again and he places the tray in the table.

"Janu, get up. Have this breakfast,"

She shook in negative response as she feels very hard to sit and to have the food.

"Janu, have the food. You will be okay,"

Again, she opened her eyes hardly. Akshadh helped her in sitting and then he moved the table nearer to her. Her hands were trembling and she couldn't hold the food. He took the plate filled with two Idly and chutney that he prepared by his own before  few minutes. He knew that she was feeling unstable and unable to have the food.

Then he makes her sit in the chair for few minutes and feed her the food. Janu responded no and Akshadh didn't leave her. Finally, he feeds her two idly. Tears reached her corner of eyes due to high temperature. Within, few minutes, he gave her the medicine. Then, he carried the injection to make her quick relief.

Janu was scared of injection from her childhood itself. He slowly placed the injection in her hands. Then, he kept a hot water glass nearer to her bed and wrapped her with the blanket. He left the place after some time.

He informed John about his absence and he requested Allen to contact him.

Then, he started preparing porridge by adding small onions and a few cloves of garlic. This is the food usually his maa prepares during the fever time.

After two hours, he went again to her room. She might have removed the blanket away as she felt hot. Now, she was sleeping peacefully and felt relief. Akshadh didn't disturb her and went out.

Sometimes later, he entered inside and makes her wake up. He gave the porridge and she looked at Akshadh who was standing in front of her. The vapour was escaping from the hot porridge.

"Have this porridge, It helps in quick digestion and makes you feel better, "

She nodded and took the food. He looks after her caringly. She felt okay and slowly she recovered. Akshadh didn't leave her alone on that day. Janu was very much impressed by his caring nature and he didn't show any hatred towards her.

That day night, he often checked her and she was completely alright. The next day morning Janu wakes up with new hopes. She prepared Chapati and paneer gravy before Akshadh leaves. He asked about her well about. She replied that she was alright now.

"Akshadh, let us have food," she asked looking at him. Akshadh never eats the food prepared by Janu. Today, surprisingly, he nodded. Both Janu and Akshadh had the food. He ate fully and he compliments well. Janu was very much pleased about it...

On that day after coming from the orphanage. Akshadh started treating Janu as his new friend. Akshadh started to communicate with her a bit better than before.. He informed her about the adoption of Allen. Janu felt glad about it. Akshadh's minor change makes Janu feel better. Two days passed in the same way.

The most expected beautiful Wednesday came in Akshadh's life. Today, he is going to adapt Allen as his own daughter. There were no bounds for his happiness. He feels fatherhood. This was his dream and finally, it came. The only thing disturbing in his mind was, "Will Dhiya comes to adapt Allen?"

Akshadh and John went to court. Allen came with her family. The case ended successfully as per the law and Judiciary of the U.S government. Akshadh waited for Dhiya and he called Dhiya's number for several times. The phone was switched off. Then, he called Madhan..

Madhan picked up and Akshadh talked to him regarding Allen's adoption. He asked him to inform Dhiya.  Later, Akshadh informed his mother, Siddharth and Januvika. It is to be noted that  he called Januvika for the first time.

He adopted Allen and happy tears fell from his eyes. Allen was in Akshadh arms. Again and again, Allen asked Dhiya pausing few minutes.  Akshadh tried to console her and reached his flat. Janu welcomed them happily. Allen refused to go to Janu. Janu felt worried and it was noticed by Akshadh.

"Janu, Pack everything and we are leaving the U.S by tomorrow. Don't worry if Allen didn't come to you. She suffered from Xenophobia and now she got recovered from that. We can't force her and she will become friendly to you very soon," said Akshadh. Janu understood and she was okay with it.

That day evening surprisingly, Akshadh took Allen and Janu out. They went to a museum. Allen and Janu really enjoyed well. Then, they had the dinner out.

The next day morning, Akshadh together with Janu and Allen reached India. Allen stayed close to only Akshadh. How could he handle her alone? It was very difficult and will Allen get attach to everyone there? Will Janu become close to Allen? Allen is the only hope of uniting Akshadh and Dhiya back but Will Janu occupies Dhiya's place in both Allen and Akshadh...


Hi friends!!!!

Is this chapter goes fast? I don't want to bore you friends, so I have written in such a way...Did anyone miss the feel...

Finally, Akshadh adopted Allen....

The next chapter will be Dhiya's POV....

Tell me your comments....

Stay tuned....

Request, Hi Tamil Friends, ,,

I have written a Tamil story and it will be worth reading. It was super entertaining story...This story is not published in wattpad...Plz check out the link that I will paste in the description of my profile page or else message me, I will send you the link...

Happy Reading,

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