Lovely Moments

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Dhiya looked at Akshadh weirdly. She was shocked by his reply "What did he mean, He would come out of the relationship and marry me??" My God! What is he thinking? Before I came out of my running thoughts, Akshadh continued,

"Trust me Dhiya, You are my wife and no one can change that," this time Akshadh said confidently.

Dhiya came here to make Akshadh understand about Janu and her love but she didn't even get a chance regarding that instead Dhiya got tensed by his words. She never thought that Akshadh would be this much confident to have her as wife. She wished to have a gap between them so she decided to go from there as soon as possible.

Dhiya gave a shocking expression again. She closed her eyes, "Akshadh, please, drop me soon. It is getting late,"

Akshadh read Dhiya's mind voice and he understood what made her to go earlier and he tried to change the topic "Dhiya, It is just one hour since we reached here. If you want to fresh up, go there," he pointed out the restroom.

"No Akshadh, I need to go as that Madhan and I could catch the flight so that I can carry out tomorrow's duties without delay in Mumbai,"

"Ooo...Can't you spend atleast a day with me Dhiya?" He asked lovingly.

She looked away. Her eyes points out the bottle in the small table.

"Hey beautiful lady, where are you looking?" He asked waving his hands before her.


"Oh, I feel pity for myself. I don't know how I am going to spend my beautiful life with this mood swing baby," he said joining his hands together.

I stared at him.

"Stop the fuming sparkles from your eyes dear instead springle with love," he said looking into her eyes..

This man made me go on crazy. He knew how to switch me off in a fraction of seconds..

"This look is better my sweetheart," he said smiling. She smiled in response. Also he added, "Do you want to go now dear?"

She stood without replying.

"Tell me Dhiya,"




"Let us play a game to decide, Dhiya," he chuckled.

"Game???" Dhiya inquired him back.

"Yes Darling, let me tell you the rules of the Game. See there," he said pointing the same bottle in the same table.


"Yes, my family and I used to get our confused decision to powerful decision by this bottle only till our teen age," he said and Dhiya smiled at him.

"Dhiya, let anyone of us spin the bottle and the bottle will stop at one point pointing you or me. If it points you, then you have to respect my request and if it points me and sadly I will accept yours,"

Few seconds of thinking, Dhiya gestured Big No because she knew Akshadh would play tricks to make her stay with him. If he is hers then without thinking a moment she will be with him and now she wished to maintain distance.

"Why No?"

"Don't you have trust in you Dhiya? Did our love is stopping you that you might be fail in this game?"

Can't Forget You, My Love💝 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now