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After half an hour, Akshadh and Janu reached home. Akshadh's maa stepped slowly and glanced at Janu. She didn't find any sign of dullness or worries in her face. She signed in relief and a kind of relaxation enrolled her. Janu smiled at her casually while arriving inside the living room. Akshadh moved straight away to his room.

Janu came close to her mother in law, "Maa, Did you have the food?" She asked in concern.

"Nope, Janu!"

"Aunt, you should have the food regularly. You shouldn't wait for others as you have to take medicines at the right time," while saying those words strictly to her mother in law, She entered into the kitchen and served the plate with food. Then, she handed it to her. His maa showed a small smile and had the food silently. She felt very much happy seeing Janu's care towards her. After having the food, Janu picked up the medicines and gave it to her.

After that, she came to the room finding Akshadh was talking busy in the phone. He didn't notice Janu.

"Didn't you find her there?" Akshadh inquired .

"Nope, I am trying. I will inform you soon," said from the other side.

"Okay, do it fast," he ended the call.

Janu heard and she was immersed in the bucket of thoughts that filled her. Who is missed to be found? He has the only thought about his love. On that day he told that she had left. Did she really left or what happened to her? She pushed her thoughts away at the moment Akshadh turned around. He kept his phone aside and he sat in front of the writing-table. He switched on the study table lamp and took his personal diary. He started to write something after his wedding. Janu confirmed that he talked only about his lover in the phone but she didn't show any reaction. She picked up the books written by Akshadh from his mini library and started reading it. It was a kind of motivational story that She finds interesting and motivated in this kind of scenario.

After ten minutes, Akshadh completed writing and he placed the diary in the table as usual. Janu was completely immersed in the book. She was not interested in reading his love personal diary. Every day while cleaning the room, she had a glance at the diary but she never opened it. It is more than enough to get hurt him every day and didn't want to get hurt by reading that in his absence. Akshadh took long steps and took his bike key. He informed his maa and went out.

He started the bike and ride it at high speed. The wind was blowing in the opposite direction wiped the tear drops from his eyes. Each drop was mixing with the air and finally falling down. With a heavy heart, he reached his farmhouse and fell in the bed. He cupped his face in the pillow and cried emotionally and even worse.

Akshadh's POV

I missed Dhiya very badly. I expect that Dhiya was in Mumbai and today I got some information that she was not in Mumbai. She left Mumbai together with Madhan. Don't she know that I miss her badly? Don't she know that I miss her call? Even Madhan was not picking my call. Will she leave me forever? This much days, I was in full confidence and now, I was scared inwardly. I didn't doubt her love or care but she will do anything for Janu's life. Did she really marry Madhan as maa told on that day? Nope! She can't. She never. But what if she does it for Janu and me? My God! You didn't help me in any but at least see our love and give me a last chance. I begged.

After spitting out my emotions, I washed my face and my eyes were red. Then, I started walking slowly to the garden where Dhiya and I visited on that day. I sat on the grass for hours until I regain my confidence back. My love is pure and I would definitely find Dhiya . I promised her on that same day that I would go to her life again and sweep her away to me

Can't Forget You, My Love💝 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now