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Janu's POV

I jumped out of Joy and happiness without knowing the game of fate.

Akshadh memories got reached to top and I was happy that my parents also liked him. Who would be lucky like me? I love him but we didn't even have a single converse before but God gave him to me. When Maanvi talked about Akshadh it was like I am in the fairytale world where the princess get her prince through any miracles or magic.

A week passed by, I was waiting for Maanvi's call. I send a message in WhatsApp but she didn't even see it. What happened to her? Why did she don't response to my message? Did Akshadh or his family didn't like me? I became very sensitive these days, my heart is aching heavily. I can't face rejection in Akshadh's matter. Whatever may be, I need to know whether Akshadh and his family members liked me so I decided to call her but her phone was switched off.

I tried again after some time but of no use. Then, I called her husband's number, his number was also switched off. I got scared and then I tried the other numbers they were using, everything went in vain. Then I searched Maanvi's mom's number and called her. Without knowing about their death I talked casually to her mom first. She cried a lot as I was unable to console her. I came to know that my friend and her husband was no more. Allen was in the U.S under the care of her uncle Mr.John. I knew words can't console her mom.

I cupped my face with my palm and cried hearing the shocking news. It took more than three months to come out of this unexpected shock. Then my cousin took me to Delhi to give me a change.

"Janu, come soon. It is time and we are getting late," I heard my mom's sound and I came back to my present leaving my flashback.

"Mom, I am coming,"

I carried my Aari work lehenga hardly and looked myself in the mirror for one more time. Today my dream is going to come true. It is not only a recognization party but a big day in my life.

I opened the door slowly as I knew my mom is standing out.

"Hey, Janu! How long will you take to get ready?"

"Sorry, Mumma,"

"You looks so pretty in this dress, I think Akshadh would fall for you at once he saw you," my mom said happily and yes!!! My big day!!! My Engagement.

I bent my head down with a smile covering my lips.

"Ok! Ok! Come fast and have at least some fruits," she gave some fruits to me.

We didn't invite any except my uncle's family. They would come directly to the party. I was very happy to meet my Akshadh after a very long time.

Akshadh's POV

I reached India by afternoon. I was much worried about Dhiya. I didn't even get any message from her after that. I cursed myself for thinking that she loved me back. Though I cursed myself a lot I can't come out of my feelings for her. Somewhere in my heart, I could feel Dhiya's love for me. I was staying in my room for a long time.

I need to get ready for the recognizing party. I don't like such rewards and awards for doing social works but it is my mother's wish and I can't ruin her mood.

I got ready after some time. I lost my old self. My mother and brother were ready for the function.

"Akshadh, how do you feel now?" My mother asked caringly thinking I was suffering from a headache.

"I am better amma,"

"Akshadh, I need to talk something important now. I called you before to inform but thinking your busy schedule I didn't inform you. I hope you will accept my decision," said my mom coughing in between.

Can't Forget You, My Love💝 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now