Chap. 14: I Love You So Much

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(Picture Of Cute Scene Above *WARNING: a bit dirty/perverted but it's not that bad!*)

            For dinner, Evan took me to a burger place on the beach and I got a double patty with extra cheese and grease. And don't forget the shake and cheese fries. Yeah, I know. I wanted to barf it all up because I forced myself to eat more. Anything to gain some weight so I won't look so skinny. Evan watched me as I ate, a huge smile on his sculptures face. He kept holding my hand and rubbing my knuckles with his thumb, occasionally kissing them.
          Evan begged me to stay the night with him so I went home and packed my duffle. Chase was exhausted and slept with his head on my lap the entire way home. The familiar smell of Evan's house made me feel at home. I headed straight for the shower as Evan fed Chase.
              I stripped down and climbed into the shower, letting the warm water warm my shivering body up. I begin to shampoo my hair when I hear the bathroom door open. Giggles escape my lips at the thought of Evan joining me.
              "Baby?" Evan says, "Need any help?"
                "Not really." I say honestly.
                 I wait for him to answer but I get none. He grunts and groans, probably from his light sunburn. The shower curtain pulls back and I see blurred Evan step into the shower. Oh, hi there.
              "You know, Baby, you really need to learn personal boundaries." I casually say as I go back to washing my hair, "You can't even let me take a shower by myself."
                Evan wraps his arms around the back of me (I took this as dirty as the rest of you, chill) and sways us. The water washes the soap out of my hair for me. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck. Damn those blue eyes of his. Like a staring into a breathtaking daydream.
             Our lips connect and his hands move down my body, grabbing my small ass. He taste like stale cigarettes and beer. Suddenly, my back is up against the shower wall. Our slow kiss becomes more passionate and fast—until I feel something foreign touching my stomach. I break the kiss and look down. OH HOT DAMN! My eyes quickly look back up at Evan. His shy smile doesn't match his mischievous eyes. Oh shit, why did I have to look down? I'm fucked now.
                ", what lovely weather we had today." I say nervously, hating how awkward I am. "We should do that again—"
                Evan's big, strong hands grabs my face gently and pulls me into a kiss full of passion and heat. Soon, that's all I can feel besides the warm water getting cool against our skin.


                 The clock beside the bed reads 9 o'clock. Evan's muscular arms are wrapped around me as he sleeps. He hasn't moved in a while and I thought I heard him snore a while ago. My body aches in so many different ways I can barely explain it.
                   Just as I begin to close my eyes, Evan's thumb rubs against my bicep gently. He lightly kisses the top of my head.
                 "Brooke, my sweetheart, I know you can't hear me but maybe this way I can confess this to you." Evan whispers softly, does he think I'm asleep? What does he need to confess while I'm sleeping? "I love you so much, Baby. You're my only safe place that I have. I want to spend every night like we had tonight."
             I can feel my lips forming a smile as his slightly crooked nose nudges my head.
              "And I'm terrified that I'm going to turn into my father and you'll hate me. Or get bored." My heart breaks, "I've searched for you my whole life."
              And with one last kiss and I-Love-You, Evan snuggles me tighter and goes to sleep this time. His light snores fill my ears. Why couldn't Evan just tell me that while I was awake? Is he ashamed of how he feels? I am filled with anxiety.

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