Chap 67: He Replaced Her

978 30 5

(Picture of Brooke Above)
* third person POV*

            No one in the entire police station had the strength to interrupt the reunited couple. Their tear stained kiss broke many's hearts. Anyone in the room can see that they have loved each other and how it still sparks through their kiss. So innocent and pure. Something rare. Once in a lifetime. Renee covers her mouth as she begins to cry, joy and pain fills her chest.
            Natalia stands there watching as Evan, her husband, kisses another woman. How his hands roughly touch this woman so desperately. Jealousy fills her chest and boils in her blood. Never has Evan EVER reacted that way before to her unless his penis was between her thighs. And he's crying!
               Everyone goes back to what they were doing, looking and searching. Brooke's arms slide over Evan's arms, holding onto his back. Natalia stares at Brooke's ratty hands on her husband. How much smaller she is than him. How skinny she is! Her hair is WAY too short for Evan's liking. Or for anyone's liking. Brooke rest her head on the crook of Evan's arm, her hand grasping onto his arm. Natalia crosses her arms angrily, her chest puffing. Brooke is not WHATSOEVER beautiful in any way. Her round face to match her big nose. Her pale complexion. Her bushy eyebrows. Her bones fingers grasping Evan's arm! Natalia starts to walk over but Drew stops her. She glares at him but he shakes his head.
             "Don't." Drew warns, "He lost her on their wedding night 3 years ago."
             Natalia raises her brow. "Is that so? Well, at least I made it through mine."
            Brooke looks up to see Natalia standing there with Drew and Derrick, glaring at her. Confused, Brooke looks up at Evan. He still marvels at her happily.
              "Did Derrick find himself another girlfriend? He's very pretty." Brooke says to Evan, her hands on his chest.
               The light in Evan's eyes dies and Brooke sees it. She pulls him closer, her hopeful brown eyes melting his aching heart.
                "Who is she?" Brooke says in a small voice.
                  "Babe?" Both Evan and Brooke turn to see Natalia standing there. "Yeah, I'm ready to go."
              Natalia purposely adjust her purse on her shoulder, flashing her GIGANTIC ring on her finger. Much bigger than what Evan had given Brooke.
             "OH MY FUCKING—" Renee shouts, covering her mouth.
         At the sight of the ring, at the realization of its meaning, Brooke's heart broken eyes stare deep into Evan's. He watches as all the hope in her eyes dies completely. She lets him go and begins to walk backwards, tears filling her eyes.
          "Is she—" Brooke can barely get it out, "your wife?"
            "Mmm, yeah. I'm Evan's wife, Natalia Taylor." Natalia interlaces her fingers with Evan's.
          Evan reaches out for Brooke but she just turns away. Evan's heart aches at the sight of betrayal on Brooke's face. Her once sweet, loving eyes are damaged now. She covers her mouth.
            Brooke can barely get her thoughts out right. "No, no, no, no!"
            "Brooke, Baby—" Evan pleas, walking towards Brooke. Natalia glares at Evan's words, pouting.
              "YOU REMARRIED!?" Brooke suddenly outcry fills the room, everyone turns to watch the scene. "You replaced me?"
               Those three words break Evan's heart completely. It hits him like whip to the shoulder blades. He goes to hold her, jerking his hand away from Natalia. Brooke shakes her and and turns, running away. Natalia goes to grab Evan but he roughly pushes her away, he chases after her. He calls out her name.
              "BROOKE STOP! STOP!" Evan shouts at Brooke as he chases her.
               Brooke rushes into the bathroom and starts to lock the door, but Evan is too fast and strong. He pushes the unisex bathroom door open. Brooke tries to rush past him but he grabs her and pushes up against the bathroom wall.
                "STOP! STOP IT BROOKE!" Evan shouts at her, lightly shaking her.
                 Brooke shakes her head as more tears pour down her cheeks. Evan firmly holds her in place. He shushes her.
                "YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER REPLACE ME!" Brooke screams in his face, "AND YOU DID! YOU'RE A MOTHERFUCKING LIAR!"
                  Brooke begins to weakly beat on Evan's chest, sobbing. Evan just pulls her into his chest, losing her head into him and his hand grasping the back of her jumpsuit.
                 "I thought you still loved me." Brooke's voice breaks all together. "I thought you were going to take care of everything."
                  Her words stab at Evan. The memories of him telling her he would take care of her and when he told her that she could never be replaced in their wedding vows. Evan holds her tighter, his hands shaking.
"I thought you were dead! I buried you!" Evan says painfully, "I waited 2 and a half years, Baby. I cried everyday."
Brooke beats his chest hard, her anger giving her strength, knocking the wind out of him for a few moments.
"That's a bunch of shit!" Brooke screams in his face, "I spent 3 years in a damn mental facility trying to remember you! I knew I was married to somebody and I tried EVERYDAY FOR 3 YEARS TO REMEMBER YOU! 3 LONG YEARS! THEY DRUGGED ME AND BEAT ME AND STARVED ME AND I STILL NEVER STOPPED TRYING!" Brooke falls to her knees, her body grieving, "They didn't even let me see my baby."
The word 'baby' sends chills down Evan's back. He bends down, his hands grasping her shoulders.
"What do you mean baby?" Evan says firmly, "BABY baby? Or ME baby?"
Brooke sniffs, too weak to hold onto him. Even more pain seeps into her damaged eyes.
"I-I-I had your bab-baby." Evan lets Brooke go, stepping back from her in shock and horror. "They took her away from me! I didn't get to see her or hold her or name her! They just took her away!"
Evan's chest puffs, his breathing uneven at her words. Brooke had his baby? He has a DAUGHTER out there? This entire time? Impossible. That would mean that Brooke was pregnant at their wedding. And through the car crash.
"They took my ring!" Brooke weakly cries, "They locked me up and treated me like an animal!"
Evan bends back down and pulls Brooke into his arms. Her hands shake as she begins to have a nervous break down. Evan falls onto his bottom and pulls Brooke in closer between his legs. He buries her face into his neck, feeling her salty tears sting his skin.
"They took our baby!" Brooke cries softly, "They took my ring!"
Evan's mind races, but all he can think to say is "I'm going to take care of everything, Baby. I'm going to make it all okay."

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