Chap. 50: It Was On Purpose

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(Picture of Evan Taylor Above)
*third person point of view*

Brooke begins to fall but Evan catches her before she can collapse to the ground. When he catches her, she's already out from the pain. Evan kneels down and holds Brooke in his muscular arms tenderly.
           "Brooke? Brooke!" Evan screams.
          A lot of Evan's friends, who came to support him in this time, come around the corner to see Brooke laying lump in Evan's arms. Lucy lets out a loud cry.
              "She passed out from the pain, she needs Tylenol and LOTS of rest. She needs to be in a dark room too." Kayla instructs.
              Evan picks Brooke up bridal style and walks her through the hallways of the house. He kicks the bedroom door open and walks on in, setting the 23-year-old woman down on the bed. Evan can't help but stare at her bruised face. The white bandage on her nose that's supposed to be broken. Evan sits down on the bed and unties her dirty converse. He tosses them to the floor and puts the bed covers overs Brooke's limp body.
            Evan goes to give her a forehead kiss but stops. Brooke told him she hated him—several times. She called him terrible things. Things she would have known if she truly knew him. She was hurt, but she had no right to scream at him and call him names. But even after all that, Evan instantly forgave her. He forgave her because he cannot stay angry with her. He lied to her and broke their promise, cheated on her, broke her ribs, and was too blacked out drunk that he couldn't even stop her from almost getting raped. The weight of it all piles onto his broad shoulders. Kissing her forehead, Evan tucks the covers, turns and walks out of the bedroom.
          Evan closes the bedroom door and stand at the door. He stands there eaten up with guilt and anger and sadness. His phone dings in his sweatpants pocket, he takes it out and checks it. Joseph uploaded a video to his Snapchat. Curiosity and anxiety fills  Evan. He clicks on it and it takes him to the video.
                Evan slides down the master bedroom door. He watches the video, seeing and hearing Brooke being ganged up on. The sight of Preston on top of Brooke, telling Joesph that if they filmed it Evan would be pissed at them. It infuriates him. Evan's hands shake as those blue eyes stare at the phone screen in front of him. And the sound of Brooke's cries out for help, FOR HIM, Evan throws his phone down the hall. The screen cracks. Evan runs a shaky hand through his greasy, messy hair.
                  Drew takes a step out of the corner, looking between the cracked phone and crying Evan. He walks over and sits across from him.
                  "I messed up." Evan wipes his tears. "I knew better than to go to that damn bachelor party."
                   "Well, Preston paid for all of it anyhow." Drew smirks, "He took Derrick and I home."
                    Evan gives him a look. "He drove you two home drunk?"
                   "No, he was completely sober." The last two words burn inside Evan's mind.

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