Chap. 31: Cat Calls

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(Picture of Renee Asberry Above)

         Ever since Renee found out she's pregnant, she's been really down. She has barely left the house unless it's for work. So, Brenton asked Lucy and I to take her on a girls day out somewhere to cheer her up. But not for us to get too wild. So we went to the mall.
           Renee wears her sweats, moody as hell. Lucy, on the other hand, is cheery and talkative. She talks about Austin and how he took her four wheeling and swimming and how her first kiss went.
           "It was really weird." Lucy giggles as we walk down the huge mall. "He has just slung mud all over his cousin's four wheeler and was trying to teach me how to drive one. Then Austin started looking at me and then we were kissing! He was lip locking away and I didn't even move my lips."
               "Hooray." Renee says sourly, glaring at her, "I woke up puking my damn guts out before Brenton could make me breakfast."
             I hold onto her arm, patting her hand as we walk. Poor Renee. She threw up in one of Chase's doggie bags I keep in my car in case of an emergency. She's already sick of her pregnancy.
As we walk in and out of the mall stores, I get this strange feeling in my gut. That someone is following us. At first I ignored it but now, it's making me panic.
When we step out of Chiques & Styles, I notice a bunch of guys hanging around outside. As we walk out, they whistle in our direction. I hold onto Renee closely. We walk the other way, trying to ignore the pervs. But they don't stop.
"Hey, Baby! You looking fine today!" One calls to us.
"Sweet Thang! How about you come over here to Daddy?"
A guy emerges out of a store and his eyes rake down my body. Damn are we getting ambushed here? Should I call security? Should I call Evan or Brenton?
"Hey Cutie, where you going so fast? Huh?" I quickly flash my engagement ring at him, "Oh, I see. It's okay. He doesn't have to know."
"Don't interact with them—" I begin to say but Renee opens her mouth anyways.
"Leave us the fuck alone!" Renee screams, "Nobody wants your desperate asses anyways."
We keep going, trying to get away from them. But half way back to where we first started, Renee's hair gets pulled by one of the guys. And then a guy comes by and touches my shoulder TOO touchy feely like. And to piss me off any worst, another tries to smack Lucy's butt. It gets so bad that we just leave.
"What assholes!" Renee screams when we get inside the car, "And no damn Paul Blart in sight either!"
I feel violated and disturbed. Should I tell Evan? He would only get pissed off and try to get me to go back to the mall so he can beat them up or charge them with assault or some shit. Either way, it's over and done with.


Buzzz, Buzzz!

I jump at the sound of a phone vibrating close by. A deep voice speaks just above me but I don't pay no mind on whose speaking. I can feel a big,warm hand holding my fairly round ass. Evan. Cracking my eyes open just a bit to see that I'm laying on Evan's chest as he is on his phone. I rub his chest slowly, yawning as I slowly drift off back to sleep. I receive a forehead kiss.
"You're so warm." I mumble, "like an oven."
Evan chuckles. "I love you, my sleepy Princess."
I make a mmm sound before everything goes black.


Ring, Ring!

"Princess, your phones going off." Evan's deep voice begins to lull me back to sleep, if it weren't for him patting my back.
I reach for my phone on the coffee table but it isn't in arms length. So Evan grabs it and hands it to me, who nearly drops it. I slowly slide the green button across the screen and put it to my ear. It lays on my face cause I'm too tired to hold it up.
Evan chuckles, rubbing and firmly grabbing my ass. "My sleepy Princess."
The person on the other line begins to talk but I just begin to fall asleep.
"Whose this?" I whisper tiredly, the person begins talking. "Who is this?"
Evan lightly goes Mmmm, his hand getting frisky with my ass as he squeezes it and rubs it. He kisses my forehead. I cuddle into his chest.
"Whose this?" I say tiredly, my mind seeping into the dark abyss we call sleep.
Evan lets out a loud laugh, making me whine from the unexpected sound. He grabs the—whatever it is—and I quickly begin to slip into the warmth and unknown abyss. Until Baby's voice gets too loud for me, then I get annoyed and lightly whine. He moves a bit, groaning. Then he is still.
"Baby, you need to wake up." He jumbles me around, I don't dare move a muscle. "Come on, Princess. I know you're tired but you gotta wake up."
I pretend that I am in a deeper sleep that I am. He usually quits then. But oh he doesn't this time. He pays my back, kissing my forehead.
"Baby, wake up!" Baby keeps his shit up, bouncing his muscular arm around in attempt to wake me up. And its working! "I know you're awake. I can see that smile. There it is! Wake your ass up, Baby."
"Whyyyyy????" I tiredly whine.
"Company's coming over."

~~~~~to be continued~~~~~

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