Chap 4: The Devil's Office

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(Picture of Bob Taylor Above)

             My head was spinning when I first woke up. I read that the clock says 9:17. I turned over to see a sleeping Evan. He was out completely and naked. As am I. I lightly smile at the slight stinging sensation between my thighs. We had drunk sex last night.  Hopefully he used protection. I wonder what that's like, you know, to have drunk sex. I must have black out bad.
          I start to move when Evan wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. He's hot like an oven! How can he stand all this heat? My heart melts when a small smile stretches across his sculptured face. He cuddles me like a pillow and holds my head to his chest. Happy yet hungover, I kiss his muscular chest lightly. He chuckles as I do this. It must be my cold nose—OH MY GOD! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
             I am out of Evan's arms in a flash and I grab my work clothes I hung up in the bathroom. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! I'm an hour late for work! Oh no! Mr. Taylor is going to be so angry with me! I have only been late once out of the entire time I've worked here this whole year. And I was nearly fired by Mr. Taylor but since he didn't have anyone else on duty that day, he let it slide. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
          Evan comes stumbling into the bathroom as I dial the office's number. He stretches and stares at me confused.  And hungover.
            "Brooke? What the hell?" He groans before seeing my frightened tears, "Baby, what's wrong?"
             "I'm an hour late for work!" I cry, rushing past him. "I'm so getting yelled at by Mr. Taylor!"
             "I better never catch him yelling at you." I slowly turn and look at Evan, his voice sounding more dangerous than the thought of my boss yelling at me. "Leave the Dragon to me."
              I shake my head and rush past him. I throw up on the lawn before I make it to my car. Hurriedly, I drive to the office after informing the receptionist that I will be late and am on my way. She informed me that Mr. Taylor is expecting me. I tremble in my bones at the thought of the hell I'm going to face when I get to work.

           My feet race as I hurry to my desk. I had clocked in and hoped that nobody would notice. But I only got everyone's eyes staring at me as if I were a nutcase.
            Mr. Taylor's door swings open and there the Devil stands. In his custom black suit and matching shirt plus pants with a red tie to top it off. His cold eyes immediately focus on me, a tight scowl on his face. I can feel my body quivering as I try to not pee in my pants at the fear of what could happen. I remain silent and still like a deer.
           "Miss Adams," oh shit I'm gonna die "in my office. Now!"
            I jump at the last part. Trembling, I nod and stand to my feet. I try to remain calm as I walk from my desk, which is at a safe distance from Mr. Taylor's office. I don't meet anyone's eyes as I take the walk of shame, only when I come face to face with the Devil himself. And when I see his dagger like expression, I can barely breathe. I am so fired. My heart begins to cause me chest pains at the anticipation.
          I step inside Mr. Taylor's office and take a seat in one of his two uncomfortable chairs. Waiting, Mr. Taylor starts to shut the door when he pauses for a brief moment. His eyes are focused on something, or someone, outside the office. Then he slams his office door shut, making me jump out if my skin. Sweat trails down the back of my neck. I feel trapped and suffocated. I just may pass out.
         Mr. Taylor sits down at his desk, straightening up his desk even more than it already is. I sit there in silence, staring at the silver name plate that reads BOB TAYLOR.
         "Miss Adams, do you like your job?" Mr. Taylor's voice sends chills down my back.
           I nod. "Yes, sir. I do."
           "It's apparent to me that you do not care enough about your job to show up on time on the one day I need you the most." He says with a half smile, his tone ice cold. "Why were you late, Miss Adams?"
           Beads of sweat roll down my temple. My mind goes blank. I cannot tell him the truth. He already hates my guts.
            "I-I forgot to set my alarm clock Mr. Taylor, sir." I say nervously, "I won't let it happen again."
             "No, you won't." He throws the pen down on the table, "Get out, you're fired—"
              Suddenly, Mr. Taylor's office door opens. I recognize the familiar cologne that I could just drown in. Evan shuts the door gently behind him. Mr. Taylor stares his son down and Ivan only imagine Evan is giving it back to him twice as heated. God, I wish I could drown right now. Or be shot dead.
            "Bob," Evan says firmly "I need to have a word with you. Now."
            The anger in Evan's voice terrifies me. Mr. Taylor lets out a loud scoff like laugh, slapping his hand against the table. I hope Evan didn't see how pale I am right now. I feel light headed and slightly dizzy.
             "Later, son. I am dealing wit business." Mr. Taylor's smile turns into a hard scowl in barely a second, "You, young lady, are fired."
              My heart sinks and tears begin to fall down my cheeks. My nightmare is happening. No, no, no! I wipe my cheeks and get up, quickly making my way out he door. But Evan grabs my bicep and doesn't let me move. He just stares his father down.
            "You can't fire her." Evan says in a low tone, "You have no reason to fire her."
            "She was an hour late and hadn't even called in until twenty minutes ago. I think I can fire this girl." Mr. Taylor says smugly, his exterior becoming undone.
              "Miss Adams has been late two times in the entire year she has worked here!" Evan says firmly, lightly shouting. "That is better than anyone else in this entire damn office."
               "She should have called in. Besides, being late is a bad habit to—"
              "Miss Adams has an unlimited amount of excused tardies." Evan's hand gets firmer on me, I hope he doesn't feel my body trembling. "You have to have a better excuse to fire her, Bob. Unless you want to fire me as well. For being TWO hours late."
              Mr. Taylor lightly chuckles and fiddles with his pen. I'm assuming it's his favorite. I don't wanna be here. I go to move but Evan still has a strong hold of my biceps.
              "Perhaps that she—" Evan cuts his father off.
               "SHE HAS A NAME!" My boyfriend screams angrily, I visibly tremble in fear.
                Mr. Taylor bites the inside of his cheek nervously. He hates to be confronted like this. My life is going to be hell.
               "Perhaps Miss Adams can be excised for today." Mr. Taylor says cooly, yet I can feel his anger. "But it better not become a habit. Nobody but the boss and the man whose going to replace him gets that luxury. Miss Adams, get back to your desk. Now."
            Evan kisses the top of my head and whispers softly, "I'll take care of it, Baby."
             I quickly nod and hurry out of Mr. Taylor's death trap of an office. Everyone is staring at me. Embarrassment fills me when I realize that I am crying. I rush to the bathroom and throw up last nights dinner and booze.

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