Chap. 69: Evan To The Rescue

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(Picture of Evan Taylor Above)
*third person POV*

         Thunder roars outside. Evan sits up in his bed, his mind elsewhere. He feels empty inside, wishing things weren't as bad as they are. He always dreamed of God bringing Brooke back to him. To finally hold her once more. To kiss her. Evan got his wish, only he didn't get to keep her. He knows he should be grateful for what he got, but it's not enough.
Natalia walks out of their closet dressed in a revealing lingerie. She climbs on top on the bed and crawls to Evan sexily. Her tongue (I wanna barf) licks up his stomach, over his hairy chest, stops at his neck. She wildly sucks his neck, moaning. Evan sighs, uninterested in his wife to the point where he looks towards the window. The lightening and loud thunder makes Evan cringe. Brooke is terrified of thunder storms. Regret fills Evan, leaving him feeling stupid and hurt. She needs him and he's here with Natalia.
"Natalia, we need to talk." Evan lightly pushes his wife away.
Natalia fake pouts. "But I wanna have sex though."
"I want a divorce." Evan says in a small voice, looking away from her. "You can have the house and the car, okay? I'm going in tomorrow to file for our divorce."
Natalia slaps him hard in the face, her nails drawing blood. She quickly gets up out of bed and throws a tantrum. She stops and screams loudly.
"It's all because of HER! You know, when I first met you, you were shy despite being a fine hunk of ass. I married you because you had nothing else going for you! I'm WAY more attractive than she is!" Natalia throws another fit, "It's been 3 damn years! What makes her SO special?"
"This is a once in a lifetime situation. I may never get this opportunity again." Evan says broken-heartedly, "I lost her once, Natalia. I lost the perfect woman. I can't let her slip through my fingers again. I barely made it the first time around."
Natalia stands there staring at him almost sorry for him, but her ego gets the best of her.
"If I take the house and the BEST car, I want 60% of our money." She crosses her arms, propping a hip. "I want a quick divorce too."
"50/50, Natalia. We're splitting MY money 50/50." Evan says annoyed, "And I already called the best lawyer in Washington State."
Natalia screams once more, stomping her seat angrily. Evan rolls his eyes at her, taking a drink of his glass of water beside the bed.
"Just tell me one thing, Evan." She says, "Tell me one thing that she has that I don't have. Give me one real good reason why we should get a divorce."
Evan stares her dead in the eyes. "I have never been as happy with you as I was with Brooke. You COULD NEVER make me as happy as Brooke does."
Natalia's mouth gaps open. "What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to make you happy?"
"Brooke NEEDS me, you don't. Brooke NEEDS somebody to depend on and I loved being the one who took care of all her needs and wants. She would have been devoured by Bob and anyone else if I hadn't of been there. She needs me NOW but I'm here arguing with you." Evan says annoyed, "She was so sweet and innocent, now she's just damaged and alone."
Evan gets up and quickly gets dressed in his sweats. Natalia stands there helplessly, stunned. She wants to go after him but she doesn't.
"When will you be back?" Natalia calls after him.
"Later!" Evan says as he rushes out of the house.


Brooke is curled up on a bench, shaking from the cold rain. She trembles at the thunder and yelps at he lightening. She considered going to a homeless shelter but they were full. She has no money, no clothes, nobody to stay with. Renee is busy with the twins and trying to move away. She has no idea what she's going to do. She stands up and begins walking, clinging onto her soaking white jumpsuit. She could go back to the police station, but they'd call Evan. Brooke sees a bridge nearby and takes shelter, she sits down on the edge of the pavement. She curls up and begins crying.
              Brooke feels that she lost EVERYTHING. Her husband, her child, her friends, her money, her things, their house—all over a stupid fight. She covers her eyes, whimpering as she cries. She would have never believed 3 years ago that she'd end up this way. Evan told her forever and that she would never be replaced. But that was an obvious lie.
                But she does have to give him somewhat of the credit. He did have to bury someone else whom he thought was her and he did mourn for her and he did take four and a half years until he found someone else. It hurts but Brooke really can't blame him. He did what is expected.
             As Brooke sits there thinking about all that has happened, an object moving in the water catches her attention. The hairs on the back of her neck raises and she stands up. As it gets closer, she can see that it's a snake with a huge rat in its mouth. Brooke shrieks and runs out from under the bridge, trying to climb up the muddy hill. She tumbles down the hill, screaming. Brooke's small body splashes into the stream, her body aching as the rocks dig into her skin.
                   She grabs for anything to hold onto, gasping for breath through the water. Suddenly, a strong pair of firm hands grab a hold of her light body and she's pulled out of the water. The air stings her skin.


       Evan drives through the rain, his head and tail lights on. He drives around the city of Seattle. He first goes to Renee's, waking her and her family up. Brooke is not there. He goes to the homeless shelter in hoping Brooke took shelter there. But no Brooke. In a panic, Evan drives around parks and the homeless streets. But Brooke is nowhere to be found. Evan then calls the police.
             Evan drives by the old bridge where he took Natalia on their 4th and final date (because he was hopeless and  sad and settled instead of really letting his broken heart heal). She had gotten bored and forced him to take her back to her place because that scene was not for her. 'Too outdoorsy' Natalia had said.
            As Evan drives on through there, he spots something in the stream below. It's moving frantically. Evan stops, staring at the thing moving. It looks like a person. The water isn't even that deep! Unless it's a small person or a child.
              "What the hell?" Evan parks and gets out of his black Sedan, rushing  down the hill.
               Evan charges into the cold water, getting soaking wet from the rain and stream. He runs through the water, trying to reach the person. When Evan finally reaches the person, he can tell that they are small but it's not a child. It's a woman and she's wearing all white. Fear pegs his heart, dropping to his gut. He hurriedly grabs a hold of the back of the person's shirt and lifts them back up out of the water. Evan drags the person out of the water and onto the hill.
          Evan lays the woman down, hearing her familiar cries. He brushes the short hair out of her face. His blood turns cold. It's Brooke.
           "Evan?" Brooke coughs, crying as well.
            "Holy shit Princess!" Evan wraps her in his arms, picking her up bridal style. "Hold on, I'm taking you to the hospital."

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