Chap. 22: Lucy's Big Date Night

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(Picture of Lucy's date look Above)

                "Oh, my God! I'm so nervous!"
                 Lucy has not shut up since we got her to Renee's house. Renee makes the finishing touches on her eyeshadow and lipstick. I curl her long blonde hair to make it look wavy. Lucy is wearing a floral blue dress and black sandal pumps. She honestly looks so gorgeous. I watch as her hands tremble with anxiety.
                   "It's going to be okay, Lou." I say encouragingly, "You look absolutely stunning."
                    "Yeah, Austin won't be able to keep his hands off of you." Renee gives me a look.
Lucy whines. "What did you guys do on your first date? Was it good? Bad? What should I not do? And should do!? What if we have sex?"
Both Renee and I exchange a look, giggling and smiling at the fact our friend is going on her very first date! I let Renee talk first.
"Well, this guy I dated a couple years before I met Brenton, Caleb, was a complete asshole." Renee says annoyed, "He made me pay for the dinner and then expected me to put out after he stared at the waitress's ass the entire time. He talked about his car the entire time too."
"What about your first date with Brenton?" Lucy is on the verge of tears.
"Yeah, lets keep it positive Renee." I say annoyed.
Renee sticks her tongue out at me. "Brenton took me on a picnic on our first date. It was really nice actually, besides the fact that it began raining and ruined my makeup COMPLETELY. We went and got ice cream and talked about music and our jobs and Supernatural."
I give Renee a thumbs up. "Good comeback."
"What about you, Brooke?" Flashes of that night run through my mind and leave me shaking.
"Well, it was awkward and it started to get REALLY good—but I ruined it." I say sadly.
"Good way to kill the mood, Brooke." Renee mimics me, putting her hands on her hips.
I finish up on the last curl. "I've never dated anyone before and God only knows why Evan had any interest in asking me. But the night started out awkward cause I was in a little, tight dress and my glasses didn't match and I just looked BAD. Anyways, we made small talk and he mainly talked and I listened. He tried to dance with me but I kept stepping on his shoes and we almost tripped and fell. And to top it all off, we started making out in the back of his car, MY FIRST KISS EVER, and we almost—but I just told him that I wasn't experienced."
"And you had sex in the back of his car?" Lucy says in shock.
"No!" I exclaim, "Evan told me that I was cute and all, but he wanted someone more experienced and he didn't want to waste my first time in he backseat of his car in a parking lot."
Renee and Lucy exchange a confused look before looking back at me.
"So, then how are you two—" Renee says confused.
"After we tried to ignore each other for the next week or so, he apologized for his behavior and asked me out again." I cringe at the memory, "He waited until I was ready—which took four months, just so you know—and after our 14th date, we did it at his house. Both of us were half drunk and half nauseous from the beer and nachos. I regret it being that way."
"Well, that's nice." Renee says sarcastically, "My first time was with this fucking asshole who couldn't take no for a damn answer!"
"He's in jail now, right?" I say.
"Thank God." Renee nods, "There you go, Lucy. You're all dolled up."
Lucy stands and walks to the full length mirror. She covers her mouth when she sees herself. Renee puts her arm around me and pulls me close. We both grin at our friend.
"I've never looked so beautiful!" Lucy nearly cries.
"I JUST SPENT HALF AN HOUR BAKING THAT FACE!!!!" Renee screams at her angrily.
"Damn, you look good girl." I nod, "That's what you say, Renee."
"Oh, shut up!"

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