Chap. 18: Picture Frames & Glass Pumpkin Carriages

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(Picture of the Cinderella Carriage Mini Jewelry box Above)

As Evan and I walk to the back where the picture frames are in Hobby Lobby, I get a phone call from Lucy.
"Renee is mad now." Lucy says through phone, "She wants a meatball sub and lots of tacos."
I roll my eyes, smiling as I look through the picture frames. Evan just stands there tiredly and waits on me.
            "Hey, you wanna come over and hang out with me while Evan and his friends watch baseball?" I say, "They'll have nachos, chili, and pizza."
              "Pizza's gross." Lucy says on the other end, "But sure. Anything for nachos!"
             "And booze, right? Anyways, Evan's house is at Swan Parks Fence Community, okay? It's number 223." I inform her, "The thing starts at 3:30."
              Evan mimics me. "The thing."
               I roll my eyes at him and continue searching for a picture frame. I find a jeweled one and nod to Evan.
               "What should I wear? It's not like I own sports jersey's!" Lucy says to me.
                 "I'm wearing overalls, one of Evan's white t-shirts, and neon converse. I don't think there is a dress code for this event, Lou." I take Evan's hand and he takes the picture frame in his free hand. "Anyways, I'll see you at 3:30. Bye Girly!"
                "Bye Girly!" Then Lucy is gone.
                  Evan kisses my hand as we walk towards the front. A few older ladies give us raised eye brows and murmurs. We get them a lot. Evan ignores it but it's harder for me.
              As we begin to turn to the registers, something catches my eye. I abruptly stop in my tracks, making Evan tug on me. I hurry over to the very thing that I am dying to have in my daughters nursery one day. Evan is being dragged behind me. I drop his hand and pick the miniature glass Cinderella carriage jewelry box up. Happiness fills me. This is exactly what I need for her.
               "Are you going to give that to Renee? Is she into Disney?" Evan asks, rubbing his eyes.
                "No, I would just love for my little girl to have this one day." I smile, "I would have a Cinderella themed nursery and I would name her after my grandma who had the same maiden name Cinderella; Ella Tremaine."
                I am reluctant to put the glass figure back down. Oh, it's what I exactly need! But who knows when I will have a kid? I may end up having boys instead. Pouting, I put it back and take Evan's hand.

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