1. Red Diamond

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"Bakugou stop blowing up the ship!!" Iida yells as the spiky blonde flew across the sky to the next Lunarian ship.

"Ha! Make me four eyes!!" Bakugou exclaims before getting hit by the Lunarian stage while it was falling.



Bort caught the blonde and dropped him on the ground. "You should really remember that Lunarian ships disassemble when they are damaged. They don't disippitate until Sensei hits them." She reminded, only to get punched by Bakugou which...

"Ahhhh....fuck!! That hurt!!"

"I'm hardness 10 you fucking cunt!! Remember that punching me would be punching a diamond wall!!" Bort yelled back, only for the two hot heads to squabble about.

"We're not gonna go anywhere with the quarreling, let's go back to the school before another Lunarian ship comes for us." Todoroki ushered, only to hear another set of Lunarian bells coming from behind them.

"Speak of the fucking devil." Bakugou cussed, picking up his sword and blasting away towards the forming Lunarian ship.

"Die motherfuckers!!!!" He yelled slicing the ship in half, only to see....shit

"It's a weapon carrier!!" Todoroki exclaimed, creating an ice pillar which gave Bakugou a landing spot for him. The weapon carrier had he tipped arrows that were in the color red. The Lunarians equipped them and shot the arrows towards the trio. Iida had gone back to he school to call for Kongo-Sensei.

"Hey Bort! Let's finish them off before Sensei get back!!"

"Sure thing here Spike-Ass!"


"I believe it's too late for that." The bold voice of Kongo-Sensei rang as the Lunarian ship disappears into the air.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk!!" Bakugou wailed, unable to keep his temper against the fact that he didn't wreck the ship.

"Help Rutile with the gathering of the shards, I'll be meditating in the office." He commanded before walking off to the school.

The heroes took care of the Lunarians that appear in the city as they took patrols against villains and crime. The U.A students, however, were assigned at the fields, meadows, coasts and cliffs of the surrounding region.

"Tch, fucking bastard is always meditating." Bakugou muttered, carrying a bunch of shards to Rutile.

"He's always like that, taking it from Jade, he's hard to wake up." Rutile replied as she stood up studying the shards that were dropped by the carrier.

"I don't believe it......This is genuine Red Diamond." She exclaimed, catching Bort and Bakugou's attention. Todoroki was still picking up the shards and approached them later on

"She was taken a long time ago, she's been here even before all of us arrived. She was the very first gem. Phos wasn't wrong about the Lunarians using the repaired gems as weapons instead if synthetic ones." Rutile said, before they returned to the school where she started to assemble Red Diamond together.

It was a good 3 hours before Red Diamond's pieces were fully assembled. Many other gems and students were watching her assemble, as some were assigned under her wing as part of the medical field.

"Now all we have to do is---"

"Dia!!" The red head called all of a sudden, shocking everyone in the office. The gem looked confused and looked around herself before she looked at Rutile.


"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Red Diamond."

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