32. Eightlings

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"Are you certain?" Nighteye asked as Todoroki nodded frantically

"Yes! I saw him. It felts so real, like I was even there with him. " Todoroki said as Aizawa pat his back, since he was also hyperventilating.

"Calm down. Can you try it again?" Aizawa asked as Todoroki flinched before facing the moon.

"I'm not sure---" 

Todoroki jolted and fell on Aizawa.

"Todoroki? Hey! Are you alright?!"


Todoroki's eyes opened to the port again, making him bolt to the same room, only to bump into---

"Bakugou? What are you doing here?"

"How am I supposed to fucking know?"

"HELLOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Uraraka?

"Wow, this place is huge!" Iida?

"The fuck? What is this place?" The fire villain from the camp

"Wow! What a nice house! So fucking big...." The multiplying villain

"No." Phos?

"Is this the Moon?" Antarc?

What are they doing here?


"Guys? How did we get here?" Uraraka asked as Multi-villain shrugged.

"No idea chubby cheeks." Bakugou laughed and pointed at Uraraka who wore an annoyed look.

"Told you your cheeks were fat."

"Shut it Bakugou. He's a villain!!"

The Fire-villain sighed before suddenly disappearing into thin air. The Multi-villain just shrugged before also disappearing.

"Umm...The villains guy left." Uraraka warned as Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"We know. Now what the fuck is this place?"

"This is the moon, more specifically, the Lunarian Palace." Phos said as everyone's eyes draw to the high ceilings except for Todoroki. He ran off to the room, only to see no one in it.

"Damnit, they're not here." Todorokie cursed as Iida followed behind him

"Who are you looking for?" Iida asked.

"This is Cairngorm and Aechmea's office-room."  Todoroki said as Uraraka peeked inside.

"Something's not feeling right." Everyone turned to see Cat's Eye walking down the hall with Chrysoberyl

"I keep seeing blurry colored blobs as I walk around here." Cat's Eye ranted as Chrysoberyl

"You know the floors get so much light that it might refract rainbows every now and then. "

"But they look like blurry figures." 

"Just your eyes playing tricks on you." Chrysoberyl convinced as Cat's Eye created eye contact with Todoroki.

He swore, he saw those neon green slit eyes shifted to the humble forest green for a moment before Cat's Eye followed Chrysoberyl.


"So that was the moon?"


"They'll be here by noon of tomorrow. They're taking advantage of the late spring sunlight to catch us off guard." Nighteye said as Rutile checked Todoroki up.

"I don't believe it." She whispered as everyone looked at her in curiosity.

"Todoroki's body made an inclusion." Endeavor, not far from the medical room, walked inside to hear the fuss about his 'son'.

"What gem?"



Dabi sat on the rooftop as Twice brought a case of beer.

"Yo, you think your bro's gonna be alright?" Twice asked as Dabi only shrugged.

"He'll be fine, just as long as he doesn't fuck things up again." Dabi said before chugging in the bottle of beer in his hand.


"Things will get better." Dabi said as the small green figure curled up into a ball while rocking back and forth.

"What if they don't?"

"That's means it wasn't your fault, it was theirs." Dabi said

"Why do you insist on blaming others?" Deku asked as Dabi chuckled.

"If you overlook things, most of everything that has happened in your life wasn't your fault. Almost everything is everyone else's fault." Dabi replied as Deku sighed.

"I get it, be selfless. We are made to serve and not to be served, but sometimes, it's best to say that we need to be served as well." Dabi said as the greenet smiled lightly.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I got the goods. A case of beer and some juice for the little one." Twice greeted while holding up the items in hand, making Deku laugh.

"Thanks, you're the best."


"Wished the good time stayed longer." Twice muttered as Dabi chcukled

"Trust me, the good times are coming soon, just wait a little long." Dabi said, staring at the moon before getting another gulp from his bottle


Cat's Eye sat up his hand in his hair as visions started flooding in like a tsunami. It hurt like hell.

"What is this?" Cat's Eye grumbled as he gripped his head in pain, before meeting the mismatched eyes of someone. 

"Who was that?" Cat's Eye groaned, the neon of his eyes flickering darker, before blinking back to neon. 

"Whatever, it doesn't matter if I had forgotten about it." Cat's Eyes muttered before walking towards the dock and boarded the Lunarian Ship.

"I may have forgotten, but I will fight for what you've taken from me. Ghost Quartz, Cairgorm, why? Why would you do this to me? Are you that greedy even after you were reborn?"

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