20. Shoreline

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Todoroki's P.O.V
"Cairngorm was always a liar from the start, that's why she's double layered." Rutile explained as Phos was being fixed up. She sighed as gold leaked from her eyes from the sadness and disappointment.

"It was bound to happen as NightEye said. I never listened." She said as I sat and only watched.

"And it will always be in your nature to be a nuisance." Rutile teased as she hit Phos' head playfully.

Rutile left the room to grab more of the epoxy glue which left me and her to talk alone. Truthfully, we've never had a proper conversation before, and I'm not even sure if she knows me at all. Well, a little bit maybe, she's probably seen the letters from Izuku.



"All the crystal spires are there. That was the main purpose of their raid." She said as she fiddled with the ends of her blue hair.

"Unbelievable." I muttered as Aizawa and Endeavor came inside the room with Rutile.

"You better not blow up here, Cinna has already been melted down by you three weeks ago and it took me 2 weeks to repair her from scratch!!! The next time you'll melt or break someone, you'll repair them by yourself!!" Rutile warned before Endeavor opened his mouth to speak.

"Relax Rutile, he didn't even say anything." Aizawa said before getting shoved aside by Endeavor.

"Traitor!!" He yelled as Phos glared at him and formed a gold spire from the ground and pointed it at him.

"Oh, you wanna go big shit? I don't really care about anyone at this point so why don't you allow me to kill you right here and now." Phos threatened as the spires grew sharper and closer to Endeavor silencing him.

"Calm down Phos, what's done is done." Nighteye says as he activates his quirk while the Pussycats examined of what remained of her.

"Winter is coming soon, it came suprisingly fast." Ragdoll says as she looks out the window which was already dark of purple and blue, the sun fading in the distance.

"Indeed, and their assault will be dueing winter." Nighteye declared, pushing his glasses to his nose bridge before examining Phos closely.

"But you are in no good shape to fight."

She glared at him, as he moved backwards and left for his study. Mandalay gave off the news to the whole perimeter and left with the rest of the gang. Phos just sighed before looking over at Rutile who was preparing her remaining shards, when Phos threw it across the room.

"Phos?!? What the hell?!" Rutile exclaimed as Phos lied down on the platform and just covered her eyes.

"I don't deserve it, separate it like what you did 500 years ago."

"That's not how it works now!! We'll need everyone to fight agains pt the Lunarians and that bitch Cairngorm."

"Well be my guest!! I am not fighting anymo---"

Rutile and Phos quarreled as Todoroki sighed and just walked off to the shoreline. Cinnabar wasn't there strangely, probably becuase she heard he news and prepared everything else for winter.

Which was about now.

A snowflake fell on Todorki's nose, followed by a lot more, like rain falling from the sky. A snowflake fell on his gloved hand and he suddenly smiled.

It reminded him of Izuku, so small and delicate, but beautiful and amusing. It was fuzzy too, not so usual, but it was the time of strange events so nothing seemed to be usual anymore.

The waves crashed on the sand as the snow began to fall and Todoroki just walked along the shoreline just as he had planned. His right before his left, and left before his right, walking down the lines of the sea, before the water touched his left.


He flinched at the sound, it was familiar. Todoroki looked down to see sand, washed off a shiny gray-white surface. He kneeled to brush the rest off, to see a face of someone---


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