31. Inclusion

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Todoroki's eyes shifted to the empty evening sky as he wondered about the series of events that came to him

Midoriya, seemingly normal, was not normal at all. He was an amazing person who then had to endure such misery an ordinary person can't handle. Then he sacrifices himself for the sake of others, but was then used and controlled by an utterly powerful and unknown being without knowing it, or possible having no control over oneself.

Weird, this was very similar to Phos.

Was it possible that it might happen again to someone else in a different manner and the worst of the worst happens?

"I don't want to be like Phos." Todoroki muttered as he heard a loud sigh from the balcony above him.

"Antarc?" Todoroki called, getting a hum from the gem. Of course, Antarc stayed with Phos in the room above his.

"Are you thinking?" Antarc asked as Todoroki hummed in approval.

"About what?"

"About how things would be different if I did something for him." Todoroki answered sadly as Antarc sighed.

"We're not time travellers, we can't change the past." Antarc said before residing to her room silently.

Todoroki sighed residing to his futon and lying on his bed while staring at the moon, before his eyes were shot by a bright light.

He was in a palace. The yellowish-white walls stood taller than U.A itself and the fountains of water curtains dripped loudly from the distance.

Dust hits his eyes and he sees a Lunarian ship incoming before it passed right through him.

It was a larger ship that he's fought, more like a carrier ship that was for more than just carrying shards but also more Lunarians.

"Chryso, is this the ship we're using for the final attack?" Cat's Eye asked as the yellow gem smiled at the ship

"I'm not sure, but if it is, then there's no chance they'll survive." Chrysoberyl cackled lightly before seeing Cat's Eye leave the port into an office.

"Is that our carrier?" Cat's Eye asks as Cairngorm sat on Aechmea's lap while feeding him ice cream

"Why of course! There's no way I can send you on a patrol team ship, that's just low of me." Cairngorm said as Cat's Eye nodded.

"Is there more to this attack than just killing everyone?" He asked as Cairngorm tilted her head.

"No." Cat's Eye sighed before leaving the room. Todoroki's confusion made him stand still for a bit.

"After collecting the gems, we'll finally become humans, right honey?" Cairngorm asked as Aechmea only smiled

"Of course, it's the least I can do."

Todoroki, overhearing the conversation, ran out in the bitter overwhelming realization that he was now in the moon.

How? He doesn't know. And now he's lost. He walked around the palace trying to find Cat's Eye. He came across a room with a door left ajar. With his curiosity he entered the room to suddenly meet eye to eye with the very person he was looking for until his eyes were shot into his dark room again.


Cat's Eye looked into the mirror of his room, seeing past his reflection a figure that was just a blurry red and white.


'Who are you?'

"Cat's Eye. Ready?" Chrysoberyl asked as she leaned on the wall behind her.

"Of course.

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