17. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Effect

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Yellow Diamond's P.O.V
I walked down the hall to the panel's room, for my weekly report on the patrols. It was a nice day, nicer than usual, but who am I kidding we don't get these kind of days that often, so we better make use of it.

I looked at the window to see my reflection and froze.

Where am I again? Who am I? This is isn't the mo--

"Yellow!!" Phos called as I turned back to greet her.

"Good morning, Phos. Where are you going?" I asked her politely as she just  swayed her golden arms side by side.

"I was just going to the panel room. I was gonna ask if I can switch my schedule from evening to afternoon." She said.

"Oh, I was just heading there. Wanna go there together?" I asked as she only nodded and continued walking ahead.

It was silent along the way, only the sound of our feet sliding along the pavement that could be heard even from the other end of the hall. I wonder what's going on in that head of Phos'. She's beginning to act like herself again, not the giddy one, more like when she was before the moon incident.

"Would you look at the moon today?"


"Huh? Oh it's brigter than usual, same goes for the sky." I replied, wait, I wasn't supposed to say that!

"I heard there is going to be a search party for Green Diamond, the queen is high in demand for it, you should get some before any competitions." Phos informed as I struggled to stay in reality, but I couldn't, why?

"Really?! Well it's a good thing I know where it is!"

"It will start this evening, exactly 12 in the evening. Be on time~" Phos taunted as she walked ahead to the panel room.

Wait, no.

It can't be

She's in that facade again.


Don't do this Phos.




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