4. Cairngorm

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Phos leaned on the pillar and sighed at the memory of Izuku. She couldn't help but feel very mad at the sigh of his green hair. She cpuodn't help but want to walk out on a conversation when it was all about Izuku. She really hated him, she hated him that she wanted to break him.

Many gems favored Izuku for almost everything. They like how Izuku acted like a girl even if he was a guy. They like how he muttered and accidentally compliment them in a really cute way.

"You know, if you keep complimenting us like that, the outside world's gonna think that you're a stalker."

She had said that, everytime he accidentally compliments her, not as an advise but as an insult. But if course, Izuku took it as an advise after all he was a dense rock .

But now, she hated him even more. It was because everything was about him.

"We need to do this for Izuku, so that when the time comes, he can help us finish them off."

"If only Izuku was here, he would know what to do."

She was so annoyed by his name. She wanted to do what she did again, just because she was anniyed by Izuku. But I mean, she doesn't know where Izuku's core is, and there's no profit if she just sold Izuku's body to the Lunarians as she was supposed to, she didn't want to start WW3 or in her case WW4.

It was evening and Cinnabar was still inside to hear the reports of the other gems before she would start her patrol. Phos wandered to the clifftop where she remembered in one of Izuku's letters where he found Kota and fought Muscular.

A familiar figure stood before her. Her skin reflected the soulless night, her hair sculpted the snowy moon and her outfit was of the Lunarian culture. She knows her and she wishes to gamble with her.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"How are you, Cairngorm?"

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