25. Under The Sea Ledge Cave

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Dabi coughed out smoke as he walked around the beach. He was never fond of water, as to speak, it hurts his scars as the salt would enter the messy stitches. The 'perks' of underground surgery, yikes.

He came across the ledge of the shoreline, seeing a glint of green light in the corner of his eyes.

In the middle of the night someone was hanging around the beach, using a green light. How unusual.

Dabi's curiosity caught him as he tried to find a way inside, but it was either swim there or look under it from above the cave. He figured number 2, it was less pain for him after all.

He stood on top to and looked inside the cave below to see a small, curled up figure with hair that created the green light. It was mesmerizing to see, like staring at a lava lamp that would light up your room, but this? Was nothing to compare.

The figure looked up to see Dabi's hanging upside down, looking at him.

"Uh, hey." Dabi awkwardly greet the figure, which only sighed and curled up even more.

"What do you want?" The figure's voice cracked as Dabi flinched at how miserable the aura of the figure let off.

"I was just checking things out, yo. Didn't know there was actually someone here." Dabi excused as the figure chuckled lightly before fading into silence.

"Nice hair, by the way." 

"Thanks. My quirk." The figure replied as Dabi nodded. Well, it was a thrill to see someone with hair that bright. The light suddenly faded into darkness as the figure stood up.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I was just--"

"I actually appreciate the light, cuz' I legit can't see shit right now." Dabi interrupted as the figure flinched, before creating the light again. It was Izuku with his porcelain white face and his old uniform, of course his black tie being tied clumsily, but what can I say? It's his natural way of tying it.

"You're that kid--Izuku Midoriya, was it?" Dabi asked as the boy only stayed silent and looked down on the waves that crash on the side of the cave.

"So this is where you kinda hang out. Not much people to hang with after that news." Dabi said as Izuku sat down on the rock and let the waves crash into his bare feet.

"Everyone's gone off." Izuku muttered lowly as the waves started to wash out the white powder that covered up his feet.

"Dabi, right?" The guy flinched as he nodded. Dabi got down and sat beside Izuku.

"People really are jerks in this generation. You know what I'm saying?" Dabi joked as Izuku just looked unfazed by the villain's thoughts.

"Like at first people didn't have any powers, and then quirks came out where normies would criticize them and shit. And now--" Izuku started to sob as Dabi discussed about the history of how quirks began.

"Dude, why are you cryi--"

"I can't."

Cracks lined on Izuku's face, like how tears would trickle down anyone else's face. But it looked more painful, like it would actually feel like paper cuts and knife cuts of a finger.

"I can't handle this anymore, I don't want to remember. I---" Izuku broke as he continued sobbing into his knees.

"Why can't I go back anymore..."

"Go back to what?"

"Go back home." Dabi looked at him confusingly as Izuku trembled with overwhelming sadness

"I want go back to the times where everyone was happy, where everyone isn't afraid or mad I--- God, why do I have to be such a burden?" Izuku buried himself in his own protective shell as Dabi pat his back.

"It's not what you are, it's what you do." Dabi quoted as Izuku looked up to the villain.

"If you don't hurt anyone, then why does it matter what they think?" Dabi turned to Izuku and held his shoulders.

"If you only gain happiness from pleasing other people, then you'll never be happy. Because no one is ever satisfied. Just do what you can do and don't hurt anyone, that's all there is to it." Dabi said before Izuku sniffled and subconciouslly hugged him.

Dabi felt nostalgia, like how Shoto hugged him tightly after every training time, hard times. Very hard times.

"You'll get past this little one, it won't last forever." Dabi said before hugging Izuku back.


The tears left by lava and volcanoes, they heal emotions and ward off negativity, as its black color signifies protection against all evil.

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