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Phos' P.O.V
"There are far worse ways to feel loss." I mutter to myself as I stare over at Yellow, who was just walking around the halls. I smirked only to see Shinsou, also known as Sugilite who was holding the antidote. I clenched my fists before walking up to him.

"Hi Sug--"

"I know what you're doing Phos." He hissed as he held the antidote close to his chest. My eyebrows knotted in anger before I striked his arm. He obviously dodged it, and ran towards the staircase. He was at a disadvantage, since he was the only one possibly, inside the building as everyone was either busy or in patrol duty.

He was all alone

"COME BACK HERE!" I yelled at him, chasing him down the staircase as he slides down by the railings. I jumped down a couple floors before reaching him and tripping him over, making him fall over on the 35th floor from the 40th. He ran inside an empty room which was under construction

I laughed as he was cornered, only to see an open window and jumped out. The room below was Alexandrite's, and I knew where he was going with his plan, but Alex isn't here. I dealt with her awhile ago.

I heard his head crack only for him to get up an run again. I smirked as he limped towards Alexandrite's room, only to realize she wasn't there. When he ran out, I caught him with my golden arms wrapping around his waist and mouth.

"You're a handful, even for a Hardness 6.5." I hissed, as he tried to scream through the golden liquid that closed his mouth.

"Guess I'll have to evade you now." I told him, only to hear steps ahead of the hallway.

"PHOS!!" A familiar stoic voice yelled, as a sword screamed through the air, cutting off the gold away from Shinsou's body. It was Aizawa accompanied by Bortz who was carrying an empty sword case.

I hissed as the gold flowed back to me before I jumped out the window and landed on my feet. I ran towards the forest and signalled a Lunarian ship who were dealing with Alexandrite and Red Diamond to pick me up. The look of confusion and fury filled their faces as the Lunarian ship flew away and disappeared into the sky.

Shinsou's P.O.V (more of my child, yes.)

"Are you okay?" Aizawa asked as I breathed heavily before I nodded. I was too rushed and shocked to speak. I just gave him the antidote before I left to Rutile, who heard about the news and rushed in with Padpardashca.

"Poor kid, there's gonna be a lot of trauma in that experience." Padpa said as I flinched at the area where Rutile inserted a piece around my neck.

"Phos always gives us a heart attack when it comes to fighting her. She attacks all of a sudden and it's so, nerve-racking." She said before putting another piece back.

"You're just luck to be a zero cleavage, your breaking pattern is unpredictably strong to withstand that fall." Rutile said before I stretched my neck.

"What can she do when she evades me?" I asled as Padpa stared at Rutile while she cleaned up my pieces with gold on them.

"She can control you by using the gold alloy inside your body. I can't put the pieces back unless I clear out the gold."

"Which is almost impossible."

I sighed and nodded before I saw Todoroki bring in pieces he found by the beach.

"Huh, it looks like Shinsou's gonna be a hardness 7." Todoroki said, raising an amethyst piece. I smiled at him as he gave it to Rutile.

"It's a good replacement."

Aizawa's P.O.V (yes, more chapter time!!)

"Yellow!" I called as she turned back and tilted her head.

"Oh? And who might you be." 

God, I hate lying, and I unbearably suck at it now. Thank you Black Onyx.

"I'm he assistant doctor for the Quee--."

"You're obviously lying. Amethyst 33's the assistant doctor."



Before I could excuse myself she started running away from me, only to get caught by my modified scarf (thanks to Obsidian and my wife). She untangled her legs to kick me in the face, and well, my face got chipped off.

Before I could even run to her she already disappeared.


Todoroki's P.O.V

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Iida excalimed as Red Beryl nodded. They just receieved the news about Yellow going missing and Phos running off. About now, everything is just in ruins, not physically but in a relational term.

The friendships, the betrayals are all in one fracture. It's like hitting the part of the gem when you know the shard pattern is random and you decide to hit the fracture, expecting to get a perfect square. It's in ruins.

"Well, at least now we know what she's after. And how she's going to do it." Mei said as she scattered the new weapon models on the table.

"Obby, Joshi and I thought that if something like this would happen, we should be using better weapons." She stated as we looked at what was new.

Double-tipped axes, special spears, scabbars, and I guess the modified scarf Aizawa-Sensei told us about.

"The problem is, how are we going to get Yellow back? I mean she'll be after Izuku and---".



"Huh?" I looked over Shinsou as he started to breathe heavily in a traumatic manner.

"Shinsou, breathe." Aizawa said, as Shinsou breathed faster muttering incoherently, "Twelve."

"Twelve, that's the target time." Red Beryl said as the school bell dinged at the strike of midnight.

"What do you--?"


The window of the confinement room shattered as we question and the sound of jingling bells came from outside.

"No." All Might muttered as he ran outside to the field while Yellow was seen in Lunarian clothing, holding a bowl of Izuku's parts and----

"HIS CORE!!" I shouted as Yellow rode on the Lunarian ship with recognition and pride from the surrounding Lunarians and...

"CAIRGORM!!!" Cinnabar called, causing a wave of mercury to come to her direction, but was countered by gold. It was Phos.

"Amalgamation, what bullshit." Phos snickered, separating the infected gold and regrowing her arms again.

"Since you've done everything I've said, I guess I shal give you your reward." Cairngorm said as she held a large box which was thought to be Antarcticite inside.

"Finally." Phos sighed, only to have her face deform from insane happiness to a fiery rage.

"This is not her....." She growled only to be crashed down by Cairngorm's large sword. Yellow looked at her in confusion before a Lunarian placed a mask on her face which made her faint and fall on the ground.


"Oh, Phos..Antarc was always a subject you dwelled on for so long. To the point it became toxic to your mind. She was always a lost cause, and she will always be." Cairngorm said as she stroked the edges of Izuku's shards and dissipitated in the air.

"I was......."

"Swallowed by insanity."

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