Skitty A/N

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P.S: The whole gem war thing took place around the time Izuku enrolled in UA. Just to give you a short notice.

Dia And Bort oldie convos

Dia: Hey, remember the time where I was gonna obliterate you for being passive?
Bort: PLease don't remind me.
Dia: Hehe, you raised jellyfishes back then.
Bakugou: Hold up. WHAT?

Bakusquad with their gem forms

Mina: Now I won't get hurt *secretes acid*
Rutile: I just covered you up! *sees Denki eating Rutile shards, thinking it was chocolate
Denki: *hisses*
Sero and Kirishima: *run into each other but Sero cracks his head*
Bakugou: I live with a bunch of crack heads

Aizawa, Shinsou and All Might

Shinsou: So, Amber right?
All Might: Yeah, why?
Aizawa: I'm suprised you aren't bugged off by anyone.
All Might: Why would I?
Shinsou: Just stick to it *laughs like a nerd*
Aizawa: It's a geology joke you would never get it *holding in his laughter

P.S: Amber is aka, tree sap from a million years ago, as to say why there are insects inside it.

The discovery of Prismatics (a hnkXbnha thing I made up)

Prismatics is a state of which a  gem can release refracted light that has a molecular level of a solid like how gems are liquid in the molecular level of a solid. Mei apparently had the wonderful idea to use the spires as prismatic sources since the spire ARE prismatics already. It was rare to have these naturally, but this topic would be fully expounded in the future.

Prismatic is also a state where light can be generated when the molecules are aligned to a small beam of light so a small laser point can generate enough light to light up a room.

I'll just explain a small detail about Izuku's role in this book, since he usually acts as a memory and a vision.

Izuku's taken up a supportive role, unlike the first book, which mainly focuses as Izuku being the main topic. This book however focuses on how Izuku regains his social status and how he recovers PHYSICALLY.

He's only a supportive for now, as of course, he's in a coma, but here's a small detail.

He named his quirk, wrongly and therefore has an actual name that I have already expounded in secret. 

The reason why Izuku can project himself into dreams as visions is because of the spiritual aspects of the gem he switches into. Even in a damaged form, Izuku can still use his quirk to change his material, and therefore is still concious, just unable to move.

This is also another reason why Cairngorm is using Izuku, because Izuku's quirk when in a damaged state is sometimes involuntary, so it it changes in the terms of the area being placed, like how every other gem is made.

My big problem with this story however is to how I will place all the events together, WITHOUT neccessarily making a 3rd book, because it's very tiring and plots easily get vaccumed up in my head, so this is why i have to keep this list in mind and immediately type in my ideas. There was even an instance where i completely forgot about Izuku's quirk and the format of the story where I was supposed to input the gem of the person in the end of the chapter.

So guys, just bear with me. I'm not exactly in a good spot for my mentality. I just recovered from a fallout, still going through a rejection and heavy-duty school work that includes my financial loss and gain.

I have an idea, but I don't think you guys will be happy with it. 

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