30. Again

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Cat's Eye stood in front of Antarc, sword in hand as it pointed towards her.

"You should have told them......................"

Then it was blur, before memories ran though her mind.

"Izuku stop!" Antarc yelled as Cat's Eye stood in front of an army of Lunarians, more than the attack that had happened a week ago.

Cat's Eye looked younger though and was in a regular winter uniform.

"No." Cat's Eye replied before he swung his sword open. The sheer force broke Antarc, but before she could hit the ground she saw the army of Lunarians drift into air as Cat's Eye's eye gleamed sharper than the tip of his sword.

The memory changes into another memory of a girl with yellow hair like Yellow Diamond, but it was longer and it was slicked to the right. She was running away from the Lunarians when she was caught by the chest with hooked arrows

"CHRYSOBERYL!!!!!!!!!" A younger Izuku screamed as he ran towards the Lunarian ship taking her away along with a figure that matched Cairngorm. Alexandrite followed but was breaking midway and ended up crumbling into the lake.

Sir Nighteye couldn't believe what he saw. It was a series of flashbacks. But he knew he couldn't see the past, so why did he see it?

"I have to go, sorry." Antarc apologized before leaving the room.

"Nighteye, what happened?" Aizawa asked as the greenett only cleared his throat and fixed his tie.

"I didn't see the future." Nighteye said, turning to Aizawa.

"I saw the past...."


"Cat's Eye, it's been a while." Aechmea greeted as Cat's Eye only rolled his eyes. 

"Why's this gems here?" He asked pointing at Chrysoberyl, who only glared at him.

"This is Chrysoberyl, she will be your partner for the rest of the time being." Aechmea said as he sat down on his chair while Cairngorm popped out of nowhere and hugged her husband.

"Baby I missed you~!" 

"Me too, babe."

Cat's Eye spat a disgusted look and sat beside Chrysoberyl who just looked at her fingernails in confusion.

"Hey, you still remember your life as a gem?" She asked as Cat's Eye only shrugged.

"No, just some shit from when I was human." 

"That's strange. Well, nevertheless it's fine to have you around." Chrysoberyl mumbled as Cat's Eye leaned into the cushion of the couch.

'Chrysoberyl, why does it sound familiar?' Cat's Eye thought as Aechmea and Cairngorm's giggles and lovey-dovey talk was heard from behind them.

"Oh by the way~. You'll have a final sky attack on U.A by tomorrow, and after that happens kill all the villains on sight. When we win to the gems, we won't need those nasty little bastards, right honey?"

"Indeed. And then, we'll move to Earth and become human as ever, and not just human, but immortal humans. Gods, as those puny mortals say. And you'll be the quuen of all that mess." Aechmea assured as Cat's Eye and Chrysoberyl just looked at them with suspicion and disgust.

"Ugh, couples."

"Unbelievably weird and cheesy."


"How can you see the past of someone, when your power is foresight?" Momo questoned as SirNighteye shrugged.

"I'm not sure either."

"Maybe your quirk can work in a different spectrum?" Kaminari deduced as everyone in the room looked at him in confusion.

"What are you implying? If it's stupid then no need to explain any further." Jirou deadpanned as Kaminari pouted.

"Hear me out. What if you can see what they might see in the future? You know, another end of the logic line."

"That doesn't even make sense, dumbass!" Bakugou argued as Nighteye raised his eyes.

"Unless if it was caused by trauma."

"What do you mean, trauma?" Momo asked as Nighteye sighed.

"Something in the future might happen that would bring back a traumatic memory. Even if that's not how my quirk works, it might be so since I'm an emerald."

"See? Told you it could happen."
"But you said it in the most dumb way possible."

"Oh come on Jirou, at least say congrats for a smart statement."

"Yeah not so much."


"All Might." Yellow Diamond called as his eyes loomed to her along with Rutile who was discussing about his possible gem structure, since there were already signs that his body was transforming to a gem.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" All Might asked as Yellow sat beside him.

"Did Nighteye tell you his vision? I heard him talking with some students, so I assumed that you knew."

"Yeah, he told me and Aizawa before anyone else. He was so stressed about it actually, and it was clear with the look in his face." He replied as Rutile's head tilted.

"What's this about?"

"The Chrysoberyl incident."
"The what?"

Nighteye and Aizawa were standing there in question as the two girls sigh.

"It was bound to get into Izuku's head, it's probably why Cat's Eye's personality came to show. Cairngorm's alter ego, Ghost Quartz most likely brought it up." Rutile sighed as Yellow  started to become more and more uncomfortable with the topic.

"I don't think we should talk about this, especially when Antarc's around." 

"Why can't you talk about it? It's clearly a big thing right now and it will most likely affect the situation." Sir NightEye asked as Yellow Diamond sighed.

"Forget it Mirai. Please. This won't help us." Rutile insisted.

"Chrysoberyl was just like Izuku." Everyone turned to Antarc who held a spire in hand.

"Kind, gentle, full of wisdom and knowledge, always there for everyone, no matter who they are." Antarc said as she placed down the spire.

"She was like a mother to Izuku, because she was so much like Inko. The last thing he needed was the same motherly figure to be taken away from him again."


Huew, huew author's block is a real struggle. But seeing most of your comments (even if there aren't a lot) I got my drive probably enough to finish the book, cuz hell I am ready to finish it so I can start my BNHA Multiverse and my own books. 

Though with a wounded finger, loaded mind and TOO MUCH TIME IN MY HANDS I can most likely do this for you guys.

So long, stay home and blessed be.

-Jade Out

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