22. Winter Day

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The sky was normal today, too normal. There weren't any Lunarian ships so far, probably because it's winter. The snow layered on the ground like a thick blanket, making some sleepy. No sunlight, no energy, that's how life goes around about."

"The sky's unexpectedly calm today." Endeavor whispered as NightEye stared at the sky his glasses reflecting the rays of sunlight.

"Not for too long. Phos said an army of 5 ships coming from this side, carrying some special cargo. I don't know what the cargo is, but it was labelled 'special'  by Ghost Quartz." The greenett man informed, before walking back inside the U.A building.

"All Might, 1-A. You have a big storm coming, it won't be good."

Todoroki wiped his sword slowly, shining it with white cloth and some thick silicon-sandstone wax. Red Beryl cringed at the ruined piece of linen, while she cleaned her sword with an old piece of cloth.


"You ruined the white cloth..."

"This is literally a year old. I just wash it after cleaning my sword."


"Stop being a bitch about it Red, it's just a piece of cloth." Bakugou ranted, clearing Kirishima's face and layering some powder on it, like the make-up pro he is.

"I'm coming~~...."

They all perked up, looking around to see where was Cairngorm, only to see 5 sunspots in he distance.

"It's time." Antarc announced, grabbing her sword and running out of the room. The others followed, keeping their eyes on the middle ship, where Cairngorm sits by her husband, King Aechmea.

"Huhuhuhu~.... What a little army!" Cairngorm giggled looming over the ground, seeing the tiny figures batting away the arrows being shot at them. The king smiled at his queen, who carried out the orders as planned

"Remember, this deal will accomplish all our ideals and goals. Mess it up and it will cause problems."

The ship by the right of them suddenly dissipitates by Hawks, who was ripping through he air with his sword in hand. The Lunarians of that ship however, drifted to the ground, being armed with spears and arrows.

"Guys, watch your 12!!" Hawks warned before a Lunarian shot out his arm. He hissed in pain before being caught by Chrysocolla the Dragon-Shifter, his side-kick.

"Thanks dear. " "Later birdy."

"Rutile, Hawks is down. Start repairs now." The dragon commanded as Rutile threw her daggers at the Lunarians.

"Wow, and it was just 16 minutes." She chuckled before throwing her last dagger behind her, where a Lunarian aimed at Kirishima.

"Gods they're everywhere," The red-head complained as his hold on his sword was getting loose and he was getting tired as well.

"Bakugou, hit me."

"What?!!?!?" Kirishima pointed at the Lunarian ship to the left. Bakugou smirked before Kirishima shells himself into a Red Diamond before getting shot out of the sky to the ship. Bort took down the ship where Kirshima landed, gliding to Cairngorm's ship

"Fufuuffufuf~~~ We have a challenger." Bort swung at the monochromatic gem, only to hit her head on Aechmea's sword.

"Isn't this the Hardness 10 gem that lost her hair before?" The king asked, stepping on Bort's back while pulling her arm. Cairngorm snickered kneeling to Bort's level.

"Yes, and it's just the right person we need."

"Bort-chan's been up there for too long." Diamond noted, as Todoroki and Antarc dodged some arrows before destroying the Lunarians who shot them.

"She could take her time."

"No, she would have destroyed that ship or half of it by now. Something's not right." Diamond said before she went to Bakugou and got blasted off by the blond.

"Dia's right, she doesn't take too long." Antarc agreed, speeding off and climbing Phos' gold limbs that extended far off to see Dia and Bort fighting Cairngorm and Aechmea head on. Antarc looms over to the box behind their thrones only to be guarded by some sort of pink slug.

"You must be..."

"Ventricosos! The king of the Admirabilis!" The slug proclaims, only for the pink lug to be kicked out of the box. Before she could remove the lid,  Aechmea swung her away, onto the ship where Kirishima who sliced through the army of Lunarians. 

"Ghost Quartz's ship is carrying something."

"All of them do." Antarc looked at him in confusion, only to see that the redhead was holding a spire behind him.

"Don't tell me..."

"They used his parts to make the spires, except for the ones we found." Kirishima explained as he handed the spire to me. 

"Guess Rutile's got a new experiment."

"Don't put it that way. Please...." Kirishima pleaded before Antarc threw the box down on the snowy sand, crushing some Lunarians at the bottom of the ship.

"I personally thank that it's snowing." Antarc says, catching the attention of Kirishima who was still thinking how to go down without breaking anything.

"Why so?" Kirishima asks before Antarc jumps towards the glaciers nearby, using her sharp heels to cause momentum ans acceleration to run down the glacier.

'Is she crazy!!!!' Kirishima never did anything like this, but it made him rememeber that one winter day.....

I apologize for my procrastination, I was eaten up by BNHA multiverse fanfics. It's drained so I'm currently making one. Should I go make it? Or nahhhhh??? Any suggestions for them then you can drop it over here.

P.S also bc I am on edge due to my English teacher failing me in the               quarterly test for not following instructions. Promise, her instrcutions look like Math questions.

Jade Out!

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