14. Whisper

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Phos' P.O.V
I walked towards the nearest convenient store only to feel someone was following me. I stopped on my tracks before I looked around.

"I know you're following me. I was informed by Cairngorm." I told them before I closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes, Phos. You are no longer in the road of the heroes." A raspy deep voice called. I opened my eyes to find myself in the bar.

"Well, if it isn't the infamous sister of Izuku Midoriya , ---"


I crossed my arms before my eyes layed onto a shot of vodka on the bar table. I eyed it furiously, wanting to drink it so badly. But it wasn't mine, therefore I cannot drink it. I was utterly addicted with drinks like this. I cannot stop to ignore it, so I could only imagine myself drink it.

"You seem to want a shot. Kurogiri a--"

"Give me a mug of it. Screw shots, I've drank heavier alcohols than your average vodka and gene." I told them, to have the man so called 'Kurogiri' slide over a mug of said drink.

"Thank you." I told him before drinking it in one go. Some of the guys in the room were so shocked at how easily I drank it. I wiped my mouth before I breathe out some vapor from how hot the reaction of vodka plus gene.

"Did she just drink that? SHE'S SO COOL!!" A guy wearing a black and gray skinsuit shrieked. I smirked at the guy and just stare back at him.

"So what exactly do you want to discuss about?" I asked as Shigaraki grinned evilly.

"The weaponizing process of Midoriya shards. As well as the location of the core." He said before I scoffed.

"The weaponizing process is a core per shard. A shard will be enough to power a missile, and the core location? I have no idea, only the panel knows."

"Who's part of the panel?" He asked again as I only glared at him.

"The top 5 heroes, Eraserhead, some 1-A students, Bort, Dia and Alexandrite." I told him as Kurogiri listed the names down.

"I suggest you take Dia, she's the weakest panelist, and one of the closest gem friends of Izuku." I told him, before Shigaraki stands up and brings out a box.

"Here's the rewards as Cairngorm promised." He said, opening it to see Antarc's completely fixed head. Only a head though. It was goo for now.

"Thank you for the service. " I told him, before taking the head and telling Kurogiri the location of my secret study.

"Pleasure doing business, fellow villain."

I walked inside a fully furnished study under many pipes and boilers. Crystal Spires stabbed into the ground as Rutile illustrated. They'll never notice this being here. I set down the head on the table to fix up he given parts; head, torso and one half of the arms.

"Almost there, just 4 more portions and I'm finished." I told myself before a cold chill crawled up my back.

"Phos, what are you doing?! This isn't what I wanted!"

"I'm sorry Antarc, but this is the only way. You can't turn back from what I'll do. After all, I am the same Phos you lost 200 years ago."

"You can't do this.....I can't do this......Not to him."

"I'll do anything to get you back, whether you like it or not."

In the moon

Cairngorm's P.O.V
"My queen, we finished the remaining Antarcticite shards for the legs, what shall we do to them?"

"Place them in the box. I'll be meeting with Phos later on, now leave."


"Love, how long will you have Antarc stay?" Aechmea asked as I turned to him. I giggled at him and jumoed onto the bed.

"As long as I want to, and if Phos obeys my every order." I told him, before kissing him. He grinned before dragging me down onto the bed and cuddle me.

"You're a genius, I'm so glad I married you." He muttered before residing to sleep. I grinned madly and whispered to the Earth below

"Fufufufu~~~~Looks like an opening to me!"

Help me, help her, please.
I don't want this
Not if it will hurt more than just yourself

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