10. Turquoise

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"Hey Todoroki, did you get your gem form yet?" Kaminari asked, as they walked around the halls to their post, which was in the garden fields outsode the school.

"No, but I'm pretty sure it's today, somewhere this afternoo-." Todoroki replied before holding his head in pain.

"Ahhh...." He groaned as pain swelled amd flooded his head as Kaminari called for Rutile and Recovery Girl.


He jolted up, to find himself in the nurse office. That voice, was that Izuku? He swore it was, probably a memory.

"Hey Todoroki." Uraraka greeted as Rutile repaired her legs from across the room.

"Hi. What happened to your legs?" He asked as Uraraka gave a look.

"Lunarians, except, it was a gem."

"You mean that bitch Cairngorm?" Rutile hissed, shocking the two of them.

"She's your sister."

"Yeah, a bitch of a sister."

They sighed at Rutile's hostile behavior about Cairngorm. Who couldn't hate her though, she was a traitor and kind of a slut.

"Feeling better yet?" Kaminari asked as Todoroki nodded, only to have his father barge inside the room.


"So you got the result?!?" Endeavor boomed at Rutile, which made her flinch and accidentally placed a piece in the wrong spot.

"Shut up, let me focus. It's hard to fix Tourmalines, when absolute bastards like you yell inside the office." Rutile scowled, glaring at him angrily while trying to chip off the wrong piece.

When she accidentally chip off a big portion of the leg.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!Fuck this!! Red Diamond help me out here!!" She cussed, making red haired gem walk over to Uraraka and helped her out with her leg.

"Anyway, your son did get a gem form." She said as Endeavor grinned at the statement.

"You won't be happy with the hardness though."

Endeavor looked at her confusing as Todoroki read the clipboard that had his info in it.

"He's an AntarcCinnabar. With these hardnesses being under 5, they subtract to each other, making him a hardness 2, as Cinnabar is 2 and Antarc is 4." She reported, only to see steam fume out of his nose.

"What?! Can't you make him stronger?" He yelled at her as Todoroki trembled behind them, Kaminari leaving the room immediately while Uraraka and Red Diamond were just peeking to their cubicle.

"We told you before, hardnesses cannot change." Rutile said, making Endeavor furious as ever.

"But it's impossible that my son is but a weak hardness, it's barely acceptable!! He is fit and has the most powerful quirk amongst his class!"

Todoroki shivered as his father quarreled with Rutile. It brought back the memory of him and his mother fighting. It was traumatizing and he wished it would stop.


He ran outside the room and rushed to the room of Izuku. Along the way he stared to form fractures in his face. When he reached the room, he cried his heart out as if he would cry with tears. But then again, he couldn't. He was pure crystal.

"Why?!?!" He cried as his face cracked and chips of himself started to fall on the floor. He wished he wasn't like this, wasn't born with a family like this, wasn't in this situation. If only Izuku was here, he would calm him down, would talk to him, would actually love him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, imagining that Izuku was going to forgive him. He didn't apologize to him, for ignoring him in his all time low, for neglecting  him and for thinking like his classmates.

Izuku, forgive me please......

He was breaking, not just physically, it was mentally, emotionally, maybe even psychologically. He wanted hope, for all of this to be over, return back to his joyful times as a pro herl in the works with his friends.

When he looked up, he saw Izuku smiling at him.

B-but how?

Izuku cupped his cheek and kissed his temple. He put his forhead on Todoroki's and closed his eyes. Todoroki looked at Izuku's hair, but it was bluish green. It was different, then I realized it wasn't him, it was just another dream and another hallucina---

"Difficult is your future, there shall you hurt
  Carry over your doubt, holding back to your true intention

One shall lie, to save who has died
One shall leave, to live all alone
One shall kill, to satisfy love
One shall heave to save thus all

Hold in your hands what you are given right now
It is the future you don't want to let go."

I jolted up to ses myself in my room. I quickly went to my small table and wrote what he had said. It wasn't someone else, it was actually Izuku. It was his shards resonating into my mind to tell what he has to tell.

Like an oracle from the heavens above.

His hair wasn't of diamond or of organic matter, it was actually something else. But I can't put myself in the right mind to know what it he?

Turquoise brings kindness, protection, truth and communication. It represents the heavens contacting the earth as well.

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