5. Beacon

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"Haven't you noticed Phos being off at night more often?" Uraraka asked as hshe observed Phos who was looking towards the dawning sun and sky.

"Yeah, I could see her pearl's luster from the school. She's usually going East towards the Training Camp." Momo said, repairing Watermelon Tourmaline's shoulder.

"Phos is always a restless gem. Ever since she met Cinnabar face to face, she was looking for a way to give her a new job. Then there was the Antarc incident." Neptunite said, reading a book she found in the U.A library.


"Oh, guess it's me and Iida's shift. I'll see you later Momo-chan!!" The brunette  called before meeting up with the glass eyed blunette at the end of the gate.

"Lovely weather we're having aren't we?" Iida greeted as Uraraka replied, "Yes, and it looks like the perfect weather to have Lunarians."

"Let's get going guys." Ruby said, walking towards them.

Ruby was another gem that they recently retrieved and recovered from the Lunarians, around a month after Izuku's coma.

They were assigned to the U.A track field. Not a usual spot, but Cinnabar mentioned that she had spotted some around that area during the early hours of that morning.

"I remembered a chapter from one of Izuku's encyclopedias, and it was all about Lunarian tracking. From what he wrote, you can feel the Lunarians coming from a certain direction by the wind and sound alone. I think you should try it out, it worked out for most of us." Ruby suggested as she sat down on the ground and silently waited.

Iida and Uraraka were just talking when a sudden gust of wind came towards them. It wasn't that strong, so it's probably just a short gust.

"It's them. Get ready." Ruby exclaimed, before the sunspot formed from the direction of the wind. They were a bit too distracted and stunned by the sudden attack, but was gladly ssaved by Ruby.

Iida was able to assist as Uraraka tried to find an opening where she could slice the stage in half. She activated her quirk and floated above the ship, unnoticed that a Lunarian spotted her brown hair.

The Lunarian open fire at her in plain sight, which missed her by an inch. As she thought it missed, she felt a missing sensation on her left.


"What?" She whispered to herself before her quirk deactivated and she came falling to the ground, while slicing the stage in half.

She screamed as she fell until she reached the ground, but not feeling any pain but numbness.

"Uraraka? You're.....broken, how?" Iida questioned as some gems, along with Kongo-Sensei took down the ship. Most of the gems were unfazed by this, only the U.A students who were there; Class 1-A mostly.

"What's happening to me? Am I gonna be okay?" Uraraka asked, worried that she would never be fixed,

"I'm afraid your one of us now." Rutile said, repairing Uraraka's left arm and attaching her lower half to her hips.

"Those arrows are designed to create crystals in living organisms. It's reversable, but we have to go all the way north in our own school." Rutile said, adding powder on the visible cracks.

"Rutile!! There's something wrong with Kirishima and Bakugou!!"

Kirishima sat up from his bed looking more shiny than usual. He activated his quirk, only to have red crystals to armour him, rather than the usual rocky layered skin that he's been used to.

Bakugou, on the other hand didn't noticed until his friends told him about he sudden change of hair and nail color. He thought they were joking until he ran directly into Bort, which made him break his right arm.

"That's impossible, the only place where you can crystallize is within the premises of the Country of Gems." Rutile exclaimed, examining that of more than 13 students from different classes were diagnosed of 'Crystallization'.

Some of these students were specifically; Uraraka, Bakugou, Kirishima, Momo, Kaminari, Shinsou, Monoma, Kendo, Mina, Tsuyu, and Iida.

"I think that premises extended. Now, when do they crystalize?" Endeavor asked Rutile as she scanned an encyclopedia. It was Izuku's 20th encyclopedia, and it tackled about he biological changes and structures of everyone in the Country of Gems,

"The week and day that they received their quirks, not the specific date, but the anniversary day." She replied, closing the book before she kept it on her shelf.

"That's a more useful encyclopedia, where'd you get it?" Hawks joked, only to see Rutile's hurt eyes.

"It was made by Izuku himself. All 50 about the Country of Gems and the World of Quirks. He was around 7 when he started making these. From the way it was written, it's like an organized source with a specific topic." She replied, handing a random volume to the two heroes.

"Don't expect it to be at gibberish at this point, he was a really smart kid back then." Rutile said as Endeavor flipped through the pages of the book, slowly realizing what she meant.

"Intricate detail and simple meaning. Ahhh~ that's a relief, I thought I was gonnna read a book that Shakespeare made." Hawks joked, making Rutile smirk and chuckle at his comment.

"Read Shakespeare's books, almost didn't understand a thing until Izuku told me how to read it. I'm not much of a bookworm, I just read them for research and  reference." She said before Endeavor showed her a page.

"This, is this the one that will reverse the Crystallization proccess?"

Rutile shook her head in disapproval.

"That's the crystal beacon, it marks the premises of Crystallization." Rutile says before realizing the truth.

"Someone made another beacon."

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