13. Citrine

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If you don't like KatsuDeku like the plague, then I guess you have to skip this chapter?

Bakugou's P.O.V (Not exactly the first time)
"'Night Bakugou! See you tomorrow for patrol duty!!" Kirishima waved as he walked the opposite side of the U.A school building. He was gonna meet up with some other gems or students; most likely the Diamonds or the dumbasses.

I sighed in tiredness, while walking to the gardens, where I usually stay during the evening. As I walked passed one of the pillars, I noticed green lights passing by them as if mirroring my movement.


That voice, that call. I know that from anywhere. I looked over the pillars where the green light came from only to see no one. I heard running on the pavement so I looked forward.

I could see Izuku run down the hallway. He stopped over the pillars which lead to the gardens. He gestured me to follow before disappearing behind the pillars. I looked around to see if anyine was there before I followed suite.

I notice him sitting on the bench, facing towards the pond. Some gem decided to  bring some jellyfishes over here so we made a pond for the convinience.

"Hey Kacchan." Izuku said, gesturing at the space beside him. I walked up to hi, and sat beside him. I noticed the discoloration of his hair, light green streaks that go around his hair over the natural green he always had.

"Like the new look? It's Malachite, one of my old looks." He asked making me chuckle at the sudden boost of self-confidence.

"Looks alright." I told him, making him chuckle lightly. He looked away from me to admire the moon in the distance. I sighed before I noticed his hands they were cracked and chipped, the opaque color of malachite green was seen.

I felt so much pity, then again I knew he didn't need it.

"Oh that? Hehe, don't mind that, Rutile can fix that in under a minute, I'll be fine." He excused moving his hands and gesturing them, some chips of Malachite falling off like furecrackers dissipitating after they blow.

"I'm sorry." I ,uttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Hmmm? What was that Kacchan?" Izuku joked making my skin boil with anger.




"What do you mean? Haven't I told you that I forgave you?" He said making me freeze in realization. He sighed before conitinuing.

"You really have to stop dwelling in the past, move on. It's not like your padt will affect your future or anything."

I sighed before standing up to leave. I didn't want to put up with this nonsense.

I just want him back


"Let go, nerd."


I looked back at him to only see no one on there chair at all.

I was just hallucinating this nonsense, bullshit. I clenched my fist before yelling out in pure anger. No words, just pure anger.

I just want him back, so I can ask forgiveness, so that I can make up to all the misjudgements I have done under him.

I was the mistake

I was the useless one.

"I told you to move on Kacchan."

I looked back to see him sitting by the pond, picking up a jellyfish.

"Your just a hallucination, you'll go away if I ignore you." I told him, making him frown. He stared back at the jellyfish before giggling to himself.


"You know, you're like a jellyfish." He commented before I kicked the pebbled nearby at him. I expected it to just pass through, until it only cracked his hair.

He was real


He isn't a hallucination

It was a message from him.

"That's not very nice of you. But it's not like you can't be nice, you were just a few minutes ago." He commented, before he poked the jellyfish's top.

"You look so peaceful and cute."

"Thanks for the compliment, but--"

"But if you get to know a jellyfish, you know it's dangerous and painful to get in touch with it." He said, as I sat beside him.

That's some wisdom over there.

"You look so peaceful and cute
Soon you'll know me well
That you are deadly to touch
The light of the sea--- luminous jellyfish."

Holy shit did he just make a haiku?!

"Do you understand what I mean?" He asked before I rethink about the haiku. I start to blush slightly, only to get a kiss on the forehead.

"You can change, Kacchan. For the better of everyone and yourself. You don't have to be the lonely jellyfish in the bottom of the sea. You can be the numerous plankton that flow all around. Because you benifit others." He said before kissing my forehead again.

He stood up and left the garden, only to be stopped by me pulling on his arm.

"Oh? You don't want me to leave?"

I stared down in despair before I---

"We're still friends you know. I never left the thought of you as a friend. Or everyone else." He said before I looked up.

He was gone

That was his message

"Never give up, change into the better state of mind. You get me Citrine?"

Citrine, that's me alright.

"I'll do it. I'm gonna make you proud,"

Citrine is a joyful stone that brings good fortune and luck. It's also called "Mechant's Stone" or "Success Stone"

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