9. Aventurine

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Tsuyu and Uraraka scouted the coves and the cliffsides of the area. It was clear in the moment and there was no Lunarian in sight.

"Kero, it's clear so far. We should head back." Tsuyu adviced, only to turn to Uraraka who had a worried expression.

"Are you okay Ochako-chan?" She asked the brunnete, snapping jer out of her worries.

"Oh, I'm fine, I was just thinking too much." Uraraka replied, laughing nervously as she scratched the  nape of her neck.

Tsuyu sighed as she knew that her best friend was denifinitely not fine, in her opinion. She walked over to Uraraka and held her shoulder.

"Ochako-chan, I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything." Tsuyu assured, with a calming voice and tone. Uraraka raised her hands and placed them down, struggling to find the right words.

"I-..Um...... It's nothing personal." She excused, making Tsuyu sigh in slight annoyance.

"Okay....It's just. Last night I saw Phos with a Lunarian and they jad a deal that would they would trade Deku's parts for some other gem." She explained quickly, if recorded, too fast to understand.

"Which one? There are about 5 who haven't returned and 3 who are unrepairable." Tsuyu asked, before Uraraka whispered in her ear quickly.


Tsuyu was confused. It was already a fact that Antarc was a hopeless cause, just like Sphalerite, Fluorite and well, Antarc.

"Isn't that impossible?" Tsuyu asked, only to get a shrug from Uraraka.

"I have no idea why either, but they were talking about that."

"That's sweet of you dear, but I'm no Lunarian~."

A voice called from above only to have a gust of wind blast onto them, to reveal a big Lunarian ship appear in front of them.

"That's a Lunarian carrier type 5." Tsuyu informed, as Uraraka covered herself from the strong gust.

A dark figure covered in translucent sheets of cloth descend from the carrier and landed in from of them. The figure carrier a big sword decorated puppy with pearls and a Luanrian puppy.

"I am Cairngorm, one of the 28 sisters of the Land of the Lustrous. The Queen of the Lunarians." The figure introduced, gesturing to herself with a polite tone.

"Why are you with the Lunarians?"

"How could you be the queen?"

The figure, who is Cairngorm giggled at their question as they looked at her differently.

"Phos told you didn't she? I married the king, my dear Aechmea when she brought us there." She said, as the two girls remembered what she said in her confession.

"Why, you do know. I can see it in your faces." She mocked, laughing manically and cuddled with her puppy.

"My, you look so pretty. An Aventurine and Brown Tourmaline of hardness 7. I hardly see gems like you." She complimented, as they started to walk backwards amd away from the carrier.

"Get them." Cairngorm commanded with a stern voice, and pointed her gigantic sword to the two girls. They split up to avoid the shoot out from the Lunarians, but Cairngorm followed them. She was fast, very fast.

"Wasn't Cairngorm a layered Ghost Quartz?" Tsuyu asked Uraraka, blocking some of the arrows shot at her.

"Yeah, but that's only a hardness 7. How is she running like a hardness 10." Uraraka exclaimed before she ran off, reaching the tracking field. The two girls were almost there when Cairngorm threw her sword at Uraraka, cracking her legs so she couldn't run.

"Ochako-chan!" Tsuyu shrieked, stopping to run to Uraraka but was blocked by a blockade of arrows. Uraraka tried to crawl away from the black gem, who just smiled evilly at her.

"You're so beautiful Brown Tourmaline, truly a unique piece." Cairngorm cooed, picking a piece of Uraraka's legs and showed it to her.

"I heard that you're a close friend of Izuku's. So tell me, where is his body? My husband wants it, I WANT IT." She screamed as the brunette scowled at her.

"As if I would tell you!! I'm not telling you at all!!" Uraraka yelled back, before striking Cairngorm's leg with her sword. Cairgnorm lost balance and fell on the ground, cracking her face.

Before Cairngorm could smash Uraraka's head into pieces, Tsuyu pulled her away from the gem and carried her inside the U.A building.

"Tsuyu-chan, thanks for the save! I owe you big time!!" Uraraka thanked as the greenette smiled at her.

"I'm your friend, Ochako-chan. I would save you even if it means that I'll be in danger." Tsuyu said, hugging her friend.

"M-m-my legs." Uraraka stuttered, making Tsuyu jolt up and run outside to grab them. Cairngorm already took off with her carrier and just left some of the pieces on the ground.

Best friends, they do anything for each other.

How nice.

Aventurine is a stone that brings serenity, wisdom, well-being, luck and power.

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